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Pulse2012-09-30 14:34:20

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05/23 M


Aaaand a rant from King Moron about how shiiiiiiiiity everyone who isn't him is. Great start to the day.

'I made this in home ec. Enjoy!' ?

Yu pulled a small pouchfull of Segaki Rice from his shoe locker...

An admirer? Or... A stalker?

Yu met with Yukiko, who was in front of the school message board...

"Oh, Yu-kun. Oh, I'm in charge of this bulletin board. Every now and then, I have to change what's posted. I'm done today, though..."

Well, we're risking our lives for each other every so often nowadays. I better spend some time with her...

"... You wanna go do something? I mean, as friends."

Yukiko smiled.


Yu felt High Pixie slot into place, making him just a tiny bit more in tune with the Priestess...

Yukiko brought Yu to the bookstore in the Shopping District...

Job certifications... I guess that'd be the first step.

"Thank goodness. This was the last one. Sensei recommended this book because it has details on lots of different job licenses..."

"Something to aim for besides the Inn, huh?"

Yukiko nodded, her face full of determination.

"Inside the TV... The other me said she didn't want to inherit the Inn... And those were my true feelings. So, I'm going to be a little more... True to myself."

Yukiko stood up tall.

"I... I refuse to inherit the Amagi Inn! When I graduate... I'm going to leave this town! ... I said it... Heheheheh! I said it!"

Yukiko snort-chuckled a little longer.

Come to think of it, she's got a very nasally laugh... Eh, just Yukiko, I guess.

"I was thinking something like an interior decorator. What do you think?"

Yu smiled a little.

"Sounds good."

Exactly the sort of thing an inn-heiress would go into, but I really shouldn't say that...

Yukiko smiled a little more... She talked about the struggles she saw up ahead, with money and her family...

"If only there were a part-time job I could take discreetly..."

"Oh? Oh! You could always fold envelopes in your room. If you know enough English or Korean, you could also try translating."

"Really? I'll go check the board, then! Thanks a ton, Yu-kun..."

Yukiko gave her heartfelt thanks, then ran off...

Yu saw a second Priestess card as he started the walk home...

That night, Yu sat down and talked with Nanako for a bit, as Principality made him just a little more in line with Justice...

Nanako brought Yu over to the kitchenette, and then paced back and forth a little... She worried about her father, before the phone rang. She ran to pick it up...

"Hello, Dojima residence. Dad! Huh... Really!? Okay... Okay... I understand!"

Sounds like someone's showing up for once...

"Dad's coming home right now! I need to get dinner ready."

As she opened the fridge, she sighed a little...

"We're out of pickled radish... Dad'll be disappointed..."

Well, this is something that can't stand for a celebration.

"Well, then you and I can go get some, together, right?"

"Really? Thanks, Big Bro!"

She's so much cuter when she smiles like that...

Yu saw a third Justice card as they marched out the door...

The pair returned home a little after Dojima had...

Oh, crap...

Dojima scolded his charges for going out late at night.

Nanako hung her head...

"It's not Nanako's fault."

"It's... Not my fault? Then why is Dad angry? Why won't he listen?... Dad's stupid! Stupid, stupid!"

And with that, Nanako ran off to her room, as Dojima rose to his feet.

"Nanako! How dare you call your own father stupid!!"

"Dojima... It was for you. She saw we were out of pickled radish. She wanted to make you happy..."

"For... Me...? That so... But I can't allow kids to be walking around this late at night! You know how dangerous it's been lately!"

Great... He's a tough-love type...

05/24 Tu


Yu went to band practice after school...

Ayane's still playing flat...

After practice was finished, Yu helped Ayane pack up...

"Shoot... I still can't play the part I was messing up last time..."

Poor girl. She's like a puppy trying to play fetch with a log.

"... So why don't you give up?"

Ayane laughed a little.

"Wow, you really get a kick out of teasing me, don't you?"

I didn't mean to tease... Honest question, really.

"Haaa... It'd be nice to play outside, but I'd embarrass myself if I went alone..."

How am I supposed to say no when you're acting this pitiful?

"Well, how about you come with me, then?"

Ayane stammered out her thanks, then went down to the Samegawa Riverbed with Yu...

Stiiiill flat.

"Hah... I-I'm sorry... I'm distracting you from your own practice, aren't I?"

Not quite like how you say it...

"No, you're not. Just play more, and you'll get there! Fall seven times, rise up eight."

Ayane sighed in relief, and resumed her playing... After a bit more, she spoke up.

"I really appreciate you practicing with me today. It makes me happy."

Ayane blushed scarlet.

"S-so thank you. Very much!"


Yu smiled, then starting packing his trumpet under his coat. As he did so, he saw a fourth Sun card...

Lessee... You use a little potato starch with the sauce, pour it on after the second fry, and... Boom. The best Sweet and Sour Pork you'll ever taste.
05/25 W


Yu overheard a pair of girls gossiping bout new job postings on the way into the school building...

"Yeah, I know. A 'fashionable gal' like you probably won't be so into something that's been fried, but..."

"Wow~! This is so good. I'm amazed- How'd you know what I like?"

Ai nearly inhaled her half of the Crispy Sweet and Sour Pork...

"Um... Hi, Ai."

"... Sure. I'll put up with you today- I've got nothing better to do."

Yu felt Andra slot into his mind, as he felt ever so slightly more in tune with the Moon...

... Not that that's saying much...

Ai dragged Yu all the way to Crocofur, at Okina Station...

"Hmm... Doesn't look they've got anything new in... I've already got all this."


"... I guess we'll... Have to come back?"

"I'll get something next time, too. I came to buy, not to look."

Ai's eyes shined bright.

"... Hey. I'm thirsty. Buy me an ice latte."

Gold card means...

"No. Buy it yourself."

I've earned my damn money.

"Huh!? Did you really just take that tone with me? You're... The first guy to ever do something like that."

Ai laughed a little.

So, everyone before has been spineless? Or desperate to pay 700 yen for a beverage?

A saleswoman came up and nagged Ai for a sale...

After an awkward back-and-forth, Ai stormed out with Yu...

Outside, near the boarding platform out of Okina, Ai glowered ion the bench next to Yu...

"... They should get rid of all salespeople and put in vending machines. Press a button, and out come your clothes."

Huh. That's the laziest okay idea ever.

"I'll agree, clothing salespeople do tend to be really in-your-face. I'm not sure that's the best way to solve the problem, though..."

"But even so, I don't need all the pointless banter. I can see right through it: There's no such thing as a relationship without ulterior motives."

... How would that work into the whole Social Link thing, I wonder?... I mean, it's not like I don't care about my friends...

Ai looked at her feet a bit... She talked about how annoyed she was that the salesperson found Yu attractive...

As the pair boarded the train home, Yu saw a second Moon card...

Yu spent another night playing with Nanako, feeling just a little more in touch with her thanks to Principality...
05/26 Th


"Sacred Carvings."

"Thank you, Hanamura-san. Take a seat, yes, the Egyptian writing system was based around sacred carvings, or hieroglyphics..."

"You're a lifesaver, Partner."

Yosuke threw a wink and a smile at Yu...

Try not falling asleep aga- Yeah, he's falling asleep. Again.

"A snack that... Doesn't taste like a snack? I have no idea... All my snacks taste like, well, snacks. Oh, hey, you want some?"

Chie handed Yu a partially-used pack of Meat Gum...

'The snacks she favors are the essence of a woman!' are a bad way to phrase it, but yeah, I figured Chie'd be fond of something unusual...

"Thanks. Sorry to bother you."

"No prob! Speaking of snacks, you think I should bring some of these into the TV next time, in case we get hungry?"

Well, that woman almost got sick, but the Fox seems a little happy that her wish to hate snacks was granted...

What a terrifying power wishes hold.

Yu saw a third Hermit card as he sat down next to the Fox...

I think he's getting used to being touched. He's a lot softer than he looks...

Dojima was home that night... Yu felt Anzu slide into his mind, making himjust a little more receptive to Dojima...

"Heh. You that bored, huh?"

Yu took a seat next to his uncle.

Dojima sighed a little...

"I've been hearing from around the Station, umm... I heard that you guys hang out at Junes pretty often. Nothing wrong with that, of course. But the question is... Why? Why so many trips back and forth from the Electronics Department?"

He's terrifyingly close to figuring this all out...

Nanako walked in, groaning a little...


"Oh, no! It's not what it looks like. I'm not interrogating him."

"It's not fair! You're always talking with Big Bro!"

Dojima was a little stunned by Nanako's words.

"I-I mean... Today, you're home, but..."

Dojima nodded slightly, but fired right back...

"I always talk with you."

"When is always!? I... I wanna talk..."

Nanako rubbed her eyes a little...

She's getting sleepy... It hurts to do this, but she should be put to bed soon...

Dojima sighed.

"I'm sorry. Go to bed. I'll play with you next time."

"... You promised..."

Nanako turned and slowly climbed the stairs to her room...

Dojima stared at where she had been standing...

"'When is always?', huh?"

Well, he doesn't exactly seem to dislike Nanako... More like he's utterly clueless...

"... Not good with kids?"

Dojima sighed again.

"No, it's not that. I mean, yeah, I am bad with kids, but that's not the problem."

Dojima shook his head a little...

"Truth is, I mostly left raising her up to my wife... Her mother... So, I don't really know how to approach her. And I'm..."

Dojima turned away from Yu a little...

"I'm not really fit to be her family."


"Fit or not, you're her father."

Dojima gave a small, somewhat bitter chuckle...

"... Maybe you're right."

He smiled a little.

"Do you think just being related by blood makes someone your 'family'? Cause that's not the case..."

Yu sighed a little...

Great, now I'm worried...

Yu saw a third Hierophant card as he rose the stairs to his room...

05/27 F


Two days spent with Ai in a week... My body was not ready.

Yu was taking as much advantage of Andra's tiny aide as he could, pushing himself alongside Ai to Okina Station...

"Hmm... Y'know, I don't really feel like shopping today. What should we do instead?"

... No, violence only works on Shadows.

"I guess we could just chill around here."

Ai complained a little...

"But then, who knows? Maybe you'll be able to make it interesting."

Was that... A smile?

"Heh, y'know, if I hadn't signed up to manage the basketball team, we wouldn't be here right now. Looking at it from your perspective, I'd say you got pretty lucky."

Yeah. Lucky. Let's go with that one.

"I... I guess so, yeah."

Ai gave a short, self-pleased laugh.

"Heh. I don't really understand the appeal of the whole teamwork thing, but hey... Maybe I should show up, cheer the team on once in a while..."

Huh... I guess she likes me a little. Can't say I'd have guessed before... Well, she's not the worst, either...

Yu saw a third Moon card as he walked with Ai towards the boarding area, when...

"H-hey, um, Ai-san!"

''Who the hell's this guy?"

"Y-you wanna go out with me sometime?"

"Ha, are you kidding me? Have you looked in a mirror recently?"

Wow, that was harsh, even if the guy was a little creepy.

"... Can't you ever be nice?"

"Why? There's no way I'd ever go out with him, so that'd be getting his hopes up for no reason. Wouldn't that be meaner?"

All the same, though...

That night, Yu talked to Nanako...

"Hey, Big Bro?... Why do people die?"

Oh, right. Her mother died in an accident... Of course she'd ask that sort of thing...

Yu felt Principality click into place, making him a tiny bit better suited to the discussion...

It wasn't easy, but Yu gently discussed the nature of death with Nanako...

"I see... This is hard. But I get it! Thank you, Big Bro!"

Nanako nodded along to Yu's words...

"... Is there anything else you'd like to know, Nanako?"

Nanako nodded again, a little more slowly...

"What happens to a person... When they die?"

I'm not totally sure, but I think Nanako needs a little boost right now...

"They go to Heaven, if they've been kind, and did what they could to make other people happier."

"So, Dad was right! Mommy went to Heaven."

Nanako smiled...

She's really mature, considering all we're talking about...

"Oh, yeah, I saw this on the news... 'Robbery at Post Office.'... Why do bad people do bad things?"

just had to pile it on, huh?

Yu smiled a little to himself, then responded...

"... I don't really know."

"Oh... Well, I guess you wouldn't know, since you're not a bad person, Big Bro."

Nanako... You're so sweet.

Nanako looked incredibly relieved...

"But if there were no bad people, Dad would be home more. He used to pick me up from kindergarten... Are bad People more important to Dad than I am?"

... Still hurt from all that... Well, I know the feeling...

"Dojima... Your father is protecting you. He doesn't ever want to see you get hurt..."

"... I don't really get it."

Nanako chewed on her thoughts for a pause...

She's had a lot more sadness in her life than most kids her age... I can relate, a little, since my folks were always gone, too... But I didn't have a Big Bro now, did I?

Yu felt deeply touched by Nanako's trust in him. After he put her to bed, he saw a fourth Justice card...

05/28 Sa


Stupid kids.

Another day of hectic day-care work...

Eri's sure taking her time from leaving with Yuuta...

That night, Yu had opted to take up the tutoring job he had seen up on the Help Wanted bulletin board in the Shopping District.

"... I'm Shu Nakajima. Nice to meet you."

So, this kid's the one I'm working with, huh?

Shu's mother gushed about how smart her child was, before he asked her to leave. The air hung heavy for a moment...

"... Yu-san, right? Let me tell you upfront: I have no intention of attending Yasogami High. The cram school I was going to wasn't that good, so I decided I needed to switch to private tutoring. You were the only one available, so... If I think you're inadequate, I'll have you replaced immediately. Remember that."

I'm the only guy around, yet he'll be able to replace me, huh ?Holes in logic demand to be picked apart.

"Wow, you're a little prick."

"Hmph. I'm used to hearing that. Well, what shall we start with? I don't jave any subjects that I'm particularly bad at."

Yu smiled.

"How about Phys. Ed?"

After an awkward night of study-

Mostly science. I guess he wants to seem impressive.

Shu saw Yu off...

"... You were a good tutor. It was easy for me to understand what you were talking about... Though, I'm sure my naturally high intelligence had something to do with that, as well. You're more than welcome to to come again whenever you have the time."

So, he took me on as a tutor, even after that intro. More to him than meets the eye, I guess...

Time stopped for just a moment, as a card bearing the number "XVI" and an abstract image of a calamity-stricken pillar appeared before Yu...

Thou art I... and I am thou...

Thou hast established a new bond...

It brings thee closer to the truth...

Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Tower Arcana...

A small wave of light particles poured out of Shu's stoic eyes, and into Yu...

"... Well, I'd best be going. Until next time, Shu."

05/29 Su


Why did Kou want to head to the bookstore today?

Yu stood in front of the building with his fellow athletes...

"So, what did you buy, Daisuke?"

The soccer player looked to Kou.

"A comic. I felt kinda nostalgic seeing it, since I used to own it an- Wait. This isn't... I grabbed the wrong one. I thought it was Rubber-Armed Pitcher Hero, but it was a copy of Magical Witch Detective Loveline instead..."

Yu looked the cover over.


"I'll take it. It seems like something my sist- my cousin might like."

Wow, I've already taught myself to call her that...

Daisuke passed the comic to Yu.

"Ugh. I didn't know you were like that, man. You must be one of those comics snobs."

Kou half-seriously sighed and shook his head...

Huh? Someone's walking up...

"Kou, Daisuke and Yu... Now that's a weird trio. Then again, you're all into sports, right?"

Chie happened to be passing by, and walked up to the three.

"Ch-Chie-san! U-um, what are you doing?"

Kou's getting all flushed. Cute.

Chie smiled and stood up tall.

"... Training! Of course!"

Daisuke smiled and nodded.

"You the man, Chie!"

"Hell no! What're trying to say about me!?"

Chie seemed a little angry and a little amused, at the same time...

Sounds like her, yep.

It had been a wild day...

"Man, she's kinda cool, huh?"

Don't get your hopes up, Kou. I think she might already be taken.

"Here you go, Nanako! A little gift from me."

Yu handed the comic Daisuke had given him to Nanako...

"Oh, it looks pretty cool! Thanks, Big Bro!"

Nanako giggled happily...

Yu decided to spend the rest of that night with Dojima. He felt Anzu make him a little more in touch with the Hierophant, as they chatted about all sorts of things...
Yu's Level: 27

Current Personas:



High Pixie








Social Links:

Fool: Rank 3

Magician: Rank 3

Priestess: Rank 2

Empress: Rank 3

Hierophant: Rank 3

Chariot: Rank 3

Justice: Rank 4

Hermit: Rank 3

Strength: Rank 4

Temperance: Rank 3

Moon: Rank 3

Sun: Rank 4


Otherarrow Since: Dec, 1969
Sep 6th 2012 at 1:42:11 PM
Wait, wasn't the Witch Detective comic one of the things you can read at night? (If I recall, the dub used it to jab at Twilight, though I've heard the original Japanese was equally insulting with it) Wait, did Narukami just give Nanako the equivalent of Twilight?

Also, I have always wondered if Shu Nakajima's last name was a coincidence or a intentional shout out to Digital Devil Story, considering how important the Izanagi myth is to this game.
Pulse Since: Dec, 1969
Sep 6th 2012 at 2:03:13 PM
I'll admit, I kiiiinda consider Episode 13 of the anime semi-demi-hemi-canon... -ish. Like, the general principle of it, anyway.

As for Shu... No kidding. It's impossible to know for sure, but considering how fond the whole SMT series is of Shown Their Work...
phoenixdaughterAM Since: Dec, 1969
Sep 7th 2012 at 10:44:52 AM
Well, considering that that book started the series...

...which suddenly makes me want to try to bring Loki to the true final boss fight and see if there is any Easter Egg there.
Otherarrow Since: Dec, 1969
Sep 8th 2012 at 7:30:26 AM
There isn't, I checked. (Not intentionally though; Loki is just a good Persona to bring to that fight) Of course, I don't think there is any "Persona talk" events like there is in Persona 2.
Pulse Since: Dec, 1969
Sep 8th 2012 at 12:24:55 PM
Well, in this case, it'd be weird to have your Persona talk to someone besides yourself. "Thou art I, I am thou" is in much stronger effect from P3 onwards.