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Live Blogs Don't Stop Me Now, Flash!: Let's Listen to Queen!
MrMallard2012-10-20 22:15:45

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Sad Prostitutes and Zesty Guys!

Lily Of The Valley

Leading in from Flick Of The Wrist, this song starts off fairly slowly and gently: the only instruments are Freddie's piano and John's bass. Soon, everything comes in in a glorious wave, lingering after their initial impact. It's a short song, unfortunately, but it's alright.

This one starts off about the protagonist looking "high and low", but no-one gives them a chance. they seem to be waiting for someone, but they aren't coming back. I think this song is about the prostitute from the last song waiting for a man who's promised to sweep her away, but finally giving up after he doesn't come back.

Now I'm Here

Brian May's strumming greets the listener as Freddie's vocals float over the place. You can feel the song slowly heating up and Roger's drums start up, and the song explodes into this funky number. There's not much to say, other than it's fairly heavy for a Queen song. I could swear that there's a synth somewhere in there, but I'll believe the "no synths" label - for now.

The vocals are powerful, with a disjointed few words at the start. The song seems to be about a guy who's gotten a new zest for life after meeting a woman. There are a few parts I really couldn't pick up, but when it goes to the next verse, where it is once again the protagonist gushing about this woman - however, it seems this woman has left him for whatever reason. Then, and this is purely speculation, he manages to track her down and assumes to resume the relationship. Maybe he begins stalking her? I'm not sure.

Thoughts about Side 1: It's alright. The songwriting was half-decent, and for the most part the songs were enjoyable.

Next time, I'll take on "In The Lap Of The Gods", "Stone Cold Crazy" and "Dear Friends".

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