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Live Blogs Don't Stop Me Now, Flash!: Let's Listen to Queen!
MrMallard2012-08-31 22:28:49

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It's hard to review this album song-to-song, because most of the songs lead into each other and compliment each other. As you can see, I found some of the album jarring. But when I listened through the whole album back-to-back, everything just clicked into place. The whole Side White playlist seemed like one long song, sans "Loser In The End". Side Black seemed like an actual record of Rhye, even if at least one of the songs weren't centered around Rhye specifically. The vocal harmony is amazing, just as strong as it will be in 14 years.

A point I've kept to myself until now: This earlier stuff seemed like it has more... I don't know, complexity to it. these guys obviously cared about how everything slotted together: the vocals, guitar, drums and bass. But later on, everything just sounds much more flat and static. They lack some of the complexity of their earlier records, and there's barely a mid-song style shift in sight in their late 80's work (Well, at least their popular 80's work; I'll admit to only listening to most of the singles from that time). So, I'm thinking... Maybe there was actually a point where Queen "sold out". Maybe they just got tired with their old multi-part songs, though; I could be wrong.

Still, I can't help feel dread at the prospect of their later stuff just falling flat on its face to me. I've liked what I've heard so far, and I really want to hope it gets better. This album has really opened up a whole new chapter to Queen I never knew before now, and the prospect of it all going downhill from here terrifies me.

Overall, Queen II is an improvement over Queen I, and for all I know it might just be the band's pinnacle. I don't know for sure though; I'll be able to say it loud and clear after another 13 albums.

Next time, Queen's 3rd album: Sheer Heart Attack, containing one of their most memorable (YMMV) singles, Killer Queen!

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