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Live Blogs Blog of the Slightly Damned
TotemicHero2012-11-27 16:17:48

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It's Slightly! It's Damned! It's that webcomic blog time again!

Page 66:

Death decides he needs to leave. With one final admonition about Buwaro eating rocks, he turns to go and...

There's another beam of white light shooting up. Death, bizarrely enough, is freaked out by this. (This can't be good.) He asks what that is, visibly shaken.

Rhea is surprised to find that thing is out of the ordinary, and mentions she's seen it once before. Death regains his composure and flies off (no really, he does), claiming he's going to get to the bottom of this.

Page 67:


Death apparently has decided to consult with Cerberus regarding the strange light. And by consult, he means "you better tell me or I will enter Hell itself to find out".

Cerberus' response is...interesting. Quoted at full length:

"Who are you to demand such a thing from us? We are not afraid of a pathetic creature such as yourself! We deny any knowledge of this light of which you speak, but rest assured you will not be getting into Hell on our watch. Has the responsibility of being the reaper caused you to forget the terms of our deal so soon, after only a few short years? Or perhaps you have underestimated our intelligence. We are not as naive as you think; we know where she is, and we will not hesitate to strike. You may be Death, but you are not our master. Begone, and know your place."

Whoa. So Cerberus does not work with Death at all.

Anyway, I want you to burn this conversation into your brain, as this is the biggest piece of Foreshadowing you'll ever see. As for what it means...well, read on!

Page 68:

We cut to Buwaro noticing Death seemed pretty upset when he left. Knowing Death, this means he could have only done one thing...

...given them a giant bear hug before departing.

Stay classy, Death, stay classy.

Buwaro then notes that everyone is unhappy, and starts getting depressed himself. Rhea notices, and suggests they play a game. Buwaro agrees cheerfully, holding up Thaddius for a game of catch.

Gee, I wonder how this will end.

With Thaddius firmly embedded in Rhea's face, of course.

Page 69:

Rhea decides Buwaro is hopeless, before admitting even more boredom. This seems to happen a lot.

She then realizes she's lying on top of the rock where Buwaro's secret stash is. Normally, you'd expect someone to leave well enough alone, but this is Rhea.

After a failed attempt to push the boulder aside (boy, Buwaro must be really strong if he can move things Rhea can't), she digs under it and gets at the torn-up book.

She opens it to read, only to find that it's written in some weird archaic script that is pretty much identical to the writing on Iratu's "letter". While this is interesting for a reader, it just annoys Rhea to no end.

Page 70:

Buwaro shows up and apologizes, saying Thadius is sorry too. Rhea doesn't mind, instead asking what the book is about.

Buwaro is initially annoyed that Rhea is going through his special stuff, but then does a double take when he learns that she can't read the book. Buwaro, after being asked, admits that he can't read it either.

Rhea points out that it's worthless to have a book that can't be read. However, Rhea decides that "troll mode time" is now, so she reveals she also has the white feather.

Buwaro makes a dive for Rhea, but she jumps and dodges, taunting him in a manner similar to Brawl Sonic. Too slow indeed.

Will Buwaro ever get his feather back? Will the book ever be readable? And will Death troll Cerberus in revenge? Stay tuned.

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