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Live Blogs Blog of the Slightly Damned
TotemicHero2012-08-26 18:32:16

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Slightly Damned, here we go!

Page 26:

Seymour Sinclair declares he will never give up!

Kinda hard to admire such determination when half his face is missing, isn't it?

Anyway, he monologues for a bit about preferring to spend eternity trying to escape than just waiting around, then promptly dives into the Styx and swims off.

Buwaro comments on his fast swimming speed. Rhea comments that she doesn't want to end up like Seymour. Death comments that Seymour is a unique individual.

Wait, where did Death come from? At least, that's Rhea's reaction, while Buwaro just cheers. Death's response?

"That answer is somewhat complicated. Why not settle for a friendly 'Hello'?"

Stay classy, Death, stay classy.

Page 27:

Death then laments the fact that Seymour had apparently been a prolific thief in life. Note to kiddies: if you steal too much, you will go to (the outer edge of) Hell too! The more you know...

Either way, Death apparently also runs a side business of delivering mail to various entities. And by that, we mean he hands a letter for Sakido to Buwaro. Not the smartest move, methinks.

Death then asks how the two are doing. Rhea attempts to snark, but Buwaro uses Hug ability to interrupt her "Horrible" cast and then counters with a "GREAT!"

...I play too much World of Warcraft...

Rhea concedes that it could be worse. Buwaro then proceeds to make it so, by asking Death about Rhea's, uh, death.

While Rhea protests, Death notes that Rhea did not die of an illness..."Unless you count being related to someone as an illness..."

Naturally, Buwaro concludes she had a sick cousin. Which makes no sense, because that would mean it was an illness. Hmmm, it's almost like Buwaro isn't all that smart or something...

Page 28:

Rhea randomly bites Buwaro's hand. No, really, she does.

While Buwaro nurses his injuries, Death points out that Rhea's death is nothing to be ashamed of.

Rhea then makes an interesting statement, revealing...she was murdered after leaving her village. OH NOES!

Death comforts her by telling her she was loved by her village, and tells her that Ramirez was the one who gave her the coin to cross the Styx.

Death then starts mandhandling, Jakkaihandling? You get the idea. He tells her to go apologize to Buwaro. She agrees, although she doesn't really have a choice, being pushed along.

Page 29:

Rhea walks up to Buwaro and starts to apologize, only to notice him staring off. She asks what he's staring at.



Enter Iratu! Over three times as tall as Buwaro, this black and white furred demon is monstrously huge, with claws to match. He pats Buwaro on the head, knocking the breath out of him.

Death greets him politely. Yes, you read that correctly. Death greets him politely. You think I'm kidding? Death greets him politely!

Okay, so now we know that Iratu is the scariest character in the comic. Even Death apparently won't screw with him.

Rhea tries to hide behind Death, but Iratu notices her and pokes her with one claw, claiming Sakido told him about her.

Page 30:

Death then praises Iratu for having grown since they last met...right after noticing that the giant demon is drunk as always.

Okay, there's the classy Death we all know and love.

Rhea asks why Iratu is so huge. Buwaro explains that all earth demons get that big (so Iratu is an earth demon).

Buwaro also says that although he's big, Iratu is normally nice, except...and he gets cut off by Iratu, who apparently is not so drunk as to be unable to master dramatic tension.

Iratu demands that Buwaro train with him, and begins pushing the smaller demon (along with Rhea) along.

With we get a epic training montage for Rhea and Buwaro? Will this be the most action-packed webcomic ever? Will Death make up for his inability to troll Iratu? Stay tuned.

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