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Pannic2015-08-11 17:37:48

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Well, I think that's enough of my trying to copy Mr. Plinkett's jokes ("Oh" aside). Now it's time for me to continue with Fallout Equestria: Memories.

If I recall correctly, when last I left off, our heroine had lost consciousness and was having some kind of trippy dream.

There was an antiseptic tang in the air, straps biting into my limbs and torso, and, worst of all, my head was a pounding mess of pain.
Colorful use of descriptive language, for sure, though I feel that each of the clauses has a different sort of word order that makes it not all read together smoothly. Something like, "and a pounding mess of pain in my head." I just think that'd be smoother.

So yeah. She's all tied up and her claw's been detached. Baked Potato enters in (oh yeah, this is the guy with the accent) and asks how she's been.

“I hate you. So much. Right now,” I whispered.
Why does this dialogue rub me the wrong way? I guess maybe it feels like it's reminding me of what I've watched of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where the dialogue feels like it's more about being snappy than it is about conveying characters. Or maybe this just feels a little too much like this is how people talk on the internet and not so much how they talk in real life. I dunno. I'm getting away from the story.

Baked Potato reveals that she's been out for a full day, and that her current state is thanks to Rumcake, who by this point I am sure is going to either be a party member or love interest. Or both.

“Let’s say most o’ the Rangers didn’t think it was funny when ye somehow happened to acquire one anti-Ranger bullet for your enormous anti-Ranger rifle.” He began to loosen the straps with his teeth. “And some of ‘em didn’t think it was safe to let a prisoner out at all, not that I can blame ‘em.”
Wait. Anti-Ranger rifle? Was that the gun that you gave her in like the first chapter? Why would you give her that?

Well, I guess maybe it's not as dumb as that other branch that gave a prisoner their equipment in a locked box that they hadn't bothered to inspect.

Rumcake, it seems, is going to be a wee bit stricter about her prisoning. Baked Potato also reveals he's done some upgrades to her claw. Twice. He says it first in one paragraph:

“As for yer fancy dandy claw, I took the liberty of makin’ it a bit more sturdy and fancy!”

and then a few paragraphs later:

“I have some good news!” Baked exclaimed. “I, uh, repossessed” – he made air quotes with his hooves – “yer claw and did some upgrades.” I squee’d.

So then Instant Noodles enters the room to give her psych evaluation. Punks her with a fake eval.

Instant Noodles stood next to the table and pulled out a clipboard and pencil. “I’ve decided to diagnose you with a recurring addiction to masochism.” I gaped at her. What. She ignored my stunned expression and continued, “You have demonstrated repeated attempts to grievously harm yourself, and each time has ended in disaster.” I couldn’t believe my ears! I was about to ask her whether or not I should be worried when she started laughing. “Oh Celestia, the look on your face was priceless!” She wiped a tear from her eye with a hoof. “I didn’t think you would fall for it that easily!” I attempted to faceclaw, but I forgot my claw had been taken away from me. Of course. Taunt the handicapped pegasus, because there was nothing better to do.
Wasn't there an attack the other day? Wasn't your prisoner acting mighty suspicious? Not that I don't like a bit of levity, but I feel like someone has some mixed-up priorities.

I'm going to assume that Soufflé isn't dead. You'd think that that'd come up. Or maybe the author's just dicking with me, setting up that cliffhanger in the second chapter and then promptly proceeding to not answer it.

Instant’s expression became serious. “Letting you run loose through the base was a lapse of judgement on my part. From now on, I’m keeping you on a tighter leash.”
Don't be silly, Instant Noodles. It was a lapse of judgement on everyone's part.

So she's on a bomb collar. Frosty asks about Soufflé, and it turns out he's alive, but still out. Instant Noodles asks why she wants to know. Frosty, realizing that she's been caught in a suspicious place and is walking on thin ice with heavily armed paramilitary folks who can easily kill her if she steps out of line... just fesses up.

I buried my face in my hoof. Can’t hide anything from a therapist, can you? “I… I considered killing Soufflé in that hallway…” I mumbled into the table. I looked up and nearly shouted at Instant, “This isn’t what I’ve been told all my life! Nothing’s gone right, you’re not supposed to be this nice, and I’ve lost so much. I’m supposed to fight Rangers and I ended up saving a Celestia-damned cake. I just don’t know what to believe anymore.” I broke down and cried into my hoof.

Huh. Didn't see that coming. Next bit of conversation has Frosty being a bit more touchy-feely. Instant Noodles is surprisingly empathetic on this. Huh. Empathy. That's new. She briefly mentions her father, and how he told her that she "needed to be a better pony." Instant Noodles asks her some questions, but due to the holes in her memories she can't really answer them.

I answered forlornly, “I don’t remember.” Instant looked at me questioningly. “Yes, really. I don’t really remember anything about him.” I racked my poor damaged brain for answers. C’mon brain! Anything?

Shut up, Frosty. I have no idea.

Well, thanks for helping, brain.

I'm going to assume that that was a joke.

A messenger comes in and announces that Soufflé has come to and wants to see Instant Noodles and Frosty Winds. The rangers are nice enough to let her use the bathroom first, but due to missing a limb she falls on her face.

Damn you, brain. Missing leg, remember?

Shut up, Frosty.

“Help. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”

Is that last line a reference to something? Just curious.

So we have a change of scene. What Soufflé says to her is rather surprising.

“I’d like to thank you,” Soufflé began. So he didn’t know yet. For the better, I guess. “You saved my life back there… Frosty.” Wait, Frosty? Not Enclave rat? Not prisoner? He’d actually used my name! We were really getting somewhere now! “I understand you had an attack of opportunity back there.”
I could make a Dungeons and Dragons joke or something but I'm feeling lazy right now.

He asks her why she didn't murder him, and she answers:

I pawed at the ground nervously. “Well, to tell you the truth…” I sighed. Let’s get this over with, I guess. “I really was going to kill you for a while there. I tried. Then I decided that killing you wouldn’t solve anything.” I sat down and continued. “I like to think that I’m a good pony, and letting you live was the right thing to do, whether I liked it or not.” Soufflé smiled. He actually smiled!
So basically her answer is "'cause I'm not Littlepip."

So we're actually getting some nice character stuff, then. It might've been nice to have gotten a bit more of a hint about this back in the last chapter. I mean, at the end of the last chapter I wasn't even completely sure whether she'd shot Soufflé or the slaver. Given the fact that this story is in first-person, that would've left me with the assumption that she didn't know whether she'd shot him or not. Well, I guess she did know, given that she was counting in the scene in question. Still didn't do that good of a job communicating it. Yeah, I guess you could reason that you could discern it from context, that the steel rangers weren't shooting at anything when they arrived, or how it'd just make more sense to shoot at the person who was shooting you...

But action scenes are boring clusterfucks in these fics.

Anyway, he dismisses the two after getting a brief progress report from Instant Noodles. Apparently no Steel Rangers actually died. Three are recovering and one is in surgery, but no mention of deaths.

So like I said, essentially the slavers did a suicidal attack on guys who were well-entrenched and better-armed than they themselves were.

After some prodding by Instant Noodles, Frosty glumly exposits that she's pretty much dead to the Enclave and how some couple probably has a certificate to have a foal now.

She has some dinner and a badly-written note from Baked Potato (someone isn't winning any spelling bees any time soon) and a rifle cleaning kit.

These folks really are hospitable.

So she starts cleaning the gun.

I sighed and started cleaning. After studying the manual and comparing the instructions to my rifle, I got a grasp on what parts go where and how they were put together. I gripped the rag in my teeth and started cleaning the dirt and grime from the body of the rifle. When I got to the main assembly, I cringed. The blood that had covered the bullet dripped into the little cracks in the assembly, presumably while I was lining up the shot that saved Soufflé. I shuddered and started wiping the dried blood off of the mechanism parts. There was blood stuck to everything! Blood all over the breech, blood in the gas system, blood spattered all over the inside of the gun! As I cleaned, I thought back to the encounter that had saved Soufflé. I’d lined up the shot. I was ready to fire. Soufflé was too busy trying to reach his pistol to even attempt to try to run. I’d had an opportunity. I’d had a single bullet that could kill him. Why didn’t I do it?
I thought you already went over this a scene ago.

Then Rumcake shows up and they talk about it some more.

Only later did I realize that you’d saved Soufflé. Why?”

I exhaled in exhaustion. Why did everypony want to know? “I’m a good pony,” I explained again. “I’m better than just petty revenge.” I looked up from my cleaning. “Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the good of the future.” I proceeded to start putting the body of the rifle together. I’d cleaned out all the blood I could and the mechanism was feeling a lot smoother. “You also owe me one anti-machine bullet.”

Not murdering people is apparently a very perplexing concept in Fallout: Equestria fics.

Also, the author has a bit of a thing with the indentation. Here's what I mean: If you indent in Google Docs, there are basically two ways - one where you can set the typing cursor thing to have one thing to the left of the indent, and one thing where the indent is as left as it goes. If you can move the typing cursor thing (I'm certain there is a word for it. Somebody please tell me the word for it) to the left, then when you import it into the Fimfiction thing it's going to put an extra space in the indent. It's a quirk with the way the doc uploader works.

Then they flirt for a little bit. Frosty Winds goads him into a kiss (there was a mention last chapter that he had "dreamy eyes," so it's not completely out of the blue), but Rumcake does a bait-and-switch and shoves a cock in her mouth I mean a cake in her mouth.

However, he does give her a peck on the cheek, which she seems to like. Cute scene, I suppose, all in all.

There are some jokes in this chapter. Earlier there was a thing where Frosty objected to being carried and asked to be put down, which results in her falling on her face. This next scene has her ask the same thing, but realizing the imminent pain she recants.

So Baked Potato takes her to a workbench where she can continue working on her gun. You know, is this like some kind of reverse Stockholm Syndrome? At this point she's barely even a prisoner. She's more like a guarded guest.

He shows her her new claw, which, rather than have the description narrate the fanciness, has them say what the upgrades are. I'm not sure whether or not I think this is a bad thing. I remember the terrible description dumps from The Clown Prince of Equestria and I think "Eh, this is okay. It works and the dialogue makes sense."

Wait, wha—? “AAUUGHHH! LUNA’S FROSTY FLANK YOU’RE SUCH A CUNT!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I felt my nerves connect to the signals in my claw. The connection point felt like it burned underneath my skin and all I felt was excruciating pain, and the raging feeling of I’m-going-to-kill-Baked boiling in my mind. A good ten minutes later when the pain had faded to a slight blur of rage, I opened my eyes and blinked the tears away as I glared at Baked. “That wasn’t fair. I wasn’t ready.” I mean, really! Who starts a count at three?
Ten minutes? Really? Wow. That's a long time to go between plugging it in and saying anything. Imagine if that were a movie. Ten minutes would essentially kill the pacing. But then, this isn't a movie. It's a fanfiction. Nobody gives a shit about pacing in fan fiction.

Oh yeah, another running gag this chapter is, um... Frosty's correspondence with her brain? I dunno. It's not much of a joke. It's a recurring thing, I guess. I guess "shut up" is kind of an inherently funny phrase.

So then we're introduced to a new character: Fruit Punch. It takes Frosty a minute to remember who she is (she was mentioned by Soufflé), which makes sense, 'cause I don't remember the mention from earlier. That's a pretty nice touch.

I nodded. “Tell me the truth… are you really as evil as Soufflé claims you are?” I asked. She gave me a funny look. “He’d say you’d rip my wings off.” I flapped my wings to emphasize my point. Wait, I had wings! I’d totally forgotten over the course of this… week? I’d been walking around and passed out so much I’d forgotten to check how my feathers were doing!
I've heard of forgetting you've lost limbs. Forgetting you had limbs is a bit more of a stretch.

Fruit answered my question before I could turn around and check on my feathers. “Oh, he’s just angry that I can out-wrestle him. And probably because I’m a Stampede junkie.” She grinned, and I gave her one of my what-are-you-talking-about faces. She elaborated, “Stampede is a combat drug that Steel Rangers use. Its amazing!”

Baked Potato leaned over and told me, “When the Stampede kicks in, she goes in like a manticore and backhoofs everythin’, guns or no.” I looked to Fruit and she nodded. “This one time this insane lass single hoofedly ran in and punched a raider stronghold apart. Not a single grenade fired. It was amazin’!”

Pardon me, I must be going: I'm off to the exposition!

“Well, I gotta run. Maybe see you sometime?” Fruit said nonchalantly. “Make sure Baked doesn’t go too overboard, ‘kay?”

I gave her a puzzled look but she just smiled and left. I raised an eyebrow at Baked.

"What? It’s not my fault all I’m ‘llowed to do is fix things! Ya know how borin’ that is? I need somethin’ to dooooo!” He kneeled at my hooves and held my shoulders. “Let me work my magic on ye!”

Huh? What's going on? Where did this come from? What's Baked Potato doing?

I contemplated taking a few steps back… he could potentially be serious or he was making fun of me. This couldn’t possibly get more awkward.

As if called to action, Rumcake suddenly decided to walk in. “So, Fruit Punch tells me—” And he stopped in mid sentence when he saw Baked essentially begging in front of me as I stood there in shock. “Uh… am I interrupting something here?”

“This probably isn’t what it looks like!” I blurted. My cheeks burned. Oh dear Celestia, why did these things happen to me all the time? I could feel Gala Frosty facehoofing with me in my mind. Oh Celestia, why?

“Let me guess… he wants to play with your claw thing because he’s bored.” Rumcake guessed. I looked at him in surprise. He saw me and all he had to say was, “What? I know my Potato well.” They shared a brohoof and grinned. “So he gave you your claw thing back. I guess I can live with that,” Rumcake told me. “Think of it as an apology about the whole snack cake thing yesterday.”

Well, I don't know where that came from, but okay. I'm not really feeling like asking questions right now.

A voice from the PA system interrupted our increasingly awkward meeting. “Head Knight, Head Paladin, Head Scribe, High Scribes, report to the conference room immediately. Paladin Commander Rumcake, put together a small security detail. Senior Scribe Instant Noodles, bring your pet with you.” Everypony in the room looked at each other. “Also, to the soldier that put explosives in the officer’s latrine, you will be severely reprimanded. That was not funny.”
I noticed that Head Knight, Head Paladin, and Head Scribe apparently don't have names.

Grass is blue, sky is green, change of time is change of scene (I'll bet none of you know the reference).

Frosty Winds is surprised by how huge the Steel Rangers are in their power armor. She climbs on Rumcake's back. Star Paladin Cheese Puffs enters, panics, and tries to murder her. A little scuffle later, blah blah blah...

Well, that scene was brief. I'm assuming Cheese Puffs is going to be an important character, at least for this chapter. Baked Potato and Instant Noodles talk about how cool it is that she gave Cheese Puffs a well-deserved kick. Then someone named Knight Cabbage Stew enters and introduces himself. Like Baked Potato, he has an accent.

“Hey, how’d the slavers get in here anyway? I thought you idiots fortified this place,” I asked. Really, super secure Steel Rangers base filled with super powerful Steel Rangers. How did they mess this up?

“There are a few places in this base where it leads to a tunnel system. It’s like this place was built inside a tunnel system, and the places where it leads into the tunnels are like the original tunnels,” Rumcake explained. We all gave him a blank stare. “Pretend I’m making sense, okay?”

Believe me, I've gotten very good at pretending. Proceed.

Everypony stood around in uncomfortable silence. "I think we should get ba—" Instant began, but she was interrupted by a rumbling sound coming from within the base, followed by klaxons going off. An explosion! Wait, why didn’t the alarms go off last time? “It’s another breach! Boys, get geared up!” She looked at me. “And get Frosty a gun so she can actually fight!”

Distantly down the hall, we all heard the faint cry of, “Aw burnin’ hell and tarnation!”

Oh. Another action scene is coming.

So she's given a 10mm SMG. Sigh.

Okay. Here's the thing about action scenes. In order for me to be engaged, generally speaking, it needs to be either aesthetically or narratively engaging. It gets aesthetically engaging by having interesting stuff happen (for example, that bit in the FOE where Littlepip uses pie tins to make a staircase). It gets narratively engaging when I understand what's going on - why the action is happening and what the stakes are.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. What is going on? There's been a breach. Someone's calling out sector numbers and stuff. I don't know what those mean so whatevs. That autocorrects to "wharves," by the way. I think I'll start using that. Wharves.

I dropped down from the ceiling onto his grenade launcher. “Well genius, does it look like anything has ha—” And yet again, before I could finish my witty comment, the walls exploded and raiders rushed in.
Slavers last chapter, raiders this one. I guess raiders make more sense 'cause they're crazy or something, so if they do something suicidal it's not as baffling.

A raider apparently has a rocket launcher. Okay. So basically I'm getting the sense that the raiders are linked with the slavers. Maybe the slavers are hiring the raiders? Or they're both hired by someone? Either way, this indicates to me that someone wants the raiders to attack them and is supplying weapons for that purpose.

That, or the raider just has a rocket launcher.

Oh, wait. There are slavers here with the raiders.

Imagine my horror when I bumped into a slaver. He stumbled and, forgetting he had a pistol in his mouth for a split second, shouted in surprise. Unfortunately for him, this lead to the sudden swallowing of his pistol’s bit. Tears erupted from his eyes as he struggled to breathe, and he could only glare at me angrily. He choked for about three seconds, then fell over and ignored me as he tried to remove the pistol from his mouth.
Heh. That's kinda funny.

Fruit Punch injects her with Stampede (she took a hit and is bleeding a bit), and she goes on a drug-fueled killing spree.

Suddenly, I noticed the slaver was different from the ones from the last invasion. There was just… something about him that didn’t blatantly scream slaver. He lacked the somewhat trademark slaver barding and he lacked the angry-looking scars that most slavers usually sported.

“No… Oh no…” I whispered. “What have I done?” I got off the pony I’d been slashing. His forelegs were bloody and gouged from where I’d attacked him. Blood dripped from my claw as I sat there, comprehending what I’d just done. “I’m so sorry,” I told him. He was very confused by what was happening right now. These ponies weren’t raiders! They were wastelanders, just trying to get by. Cheese Puffs had said something about a water talisman… “You’re here for the talisman, aren’t you?” The wastelander nodded slowly.

My bones were killing me. My muscles were burning. I was getting lightheaded, probably because of the massive amount of blood loss over the course of the last few minutes. I climbed off him. “I’m… sorry,” I muttered before I leaned against the cool metal of the walls. So tired… the Stampede was wearing off and I was really starting to feel the full weight of the pain I was in…

Oh. Ohhhhhhh. Okay. I guess that makes sense. Though you'd think there might be better ways of getting a water talisman than suicidally attacking a Steel Ranger stronghold. Like, there are a lot of dudes. They could trade for water, at least. Or steal water when you can hold people up with a rocket launcher. I dunno.

So she passes out and has another hallucination scene where she talks to herself. And the herself she's talking to is drunk. Well, there's Narrator Frosty, Drunk Frosty, and Gala Frosty.

Yeah, I'm not even going to try to figure out whether this makes sense or not.

Oh. And there's also Nurse Frosty and Filly Frosty (or rather "Filly Fwosty").

So anyway, the chapter ends with this and Frosty Feeling remorseful that she was just killing wastelanders who were trying to get by (granted they were trying to get by by breaking in and attacking, but I guess there's still plenty of room to feel bad about it).

Well, the story's getting better. I think I might be warming up to Frosty a little. Maybe next time I update I'll be funnier. I can't really think of a good closing joke here.


Unknownlight Since: Dec, 1969
Aug 11th 2015 at 6:06:36 PM
I'm going to assume that that was a joke.

BZZT! Incorrect! It is, in fact, possibly the single biggest plot point of the entire story!

I noticed that Head Knight, Head Paladin, and Head Scribe apparently don't have names.

*checks internal character list*

Uh... Head Knight Banana Pudding, Head Paladin Chocolate Chip, and Head Scribe Buttered Biscuit. I don't think these names are ever used.

Is that last line a reference to something? Just curious.

Yup. Something dumb.

Slavers last chapter, raiders this one.

Nah, they're still slavers. They were raiders in the original version; looks like that word wasn't changed.

Sorry for the lack of good commentary. These early chapters are so weird. Just so you know, you're never going to see a whole bunch of these characters ever again. The story mostly follows a core group of characters, and the only ones you've met so far are Frosty and Rumcake. Everyone else will slowly disappear from the story as Bobulator works out what the fic is actually supposed to be about. :P
KuroiTsubasaTenshi Since: Dec, 1969
Aug 12th 2015 at 12:04:33 PM
So basically her answer is "'cause I'm not Littlepip."

Hehe. To be fair, though, it's a pretty low bar to avoid being the poster child of psycho murderer.

Not murdering people is apparently a very perplexing concept in Fallout: Equestria fics.

Must be a setting thing that just seeps into all characters, given how the original treated Velvet and her supposed philosophy. Personally, I think some actual crisis of faith is a breath of fresh air, despite what appears to be a serious case of being a broken record.

The whole setup really does sound pretty questionable, though. One would think wastelanders just trying to get by would be smarter than that. Then again, I guess trying to gun down everything in their way is pretty par for the course for the setting.
Pannic Since: Dec, 1969
Aug 12th 2015 at 12:59:08 PM
I guess you can chalk it up to pure desperation, maybe.