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Live Blogs Let's Play All Four Sly Cooper games.
MadWritter2011-08-27 03:14:38

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My Guess for "Sly 4: Thievies In Time" Plot

Late-Arrival Spoiler — anyway, it's been six years — if you don't know he ending of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves — either playing the mentioned game or watch the cutscenes on You Tube — you should be shame of yourselves.

As You Know: The Cooper Gang has disassembled: Murray, the Brawns, is on the race circuit; Sly, the Master Thief, is playing Amnesiac Lover for Carmelita Montoya Fox; and Bentley, the Brains, is working with a new partner/girlfriend, Penelope, on new crimes and planning on building a time machine. According to Sanzaru Games, Bentley's trip in time has somehow erase the "Thievius Racoonus", the Cooper Clan's prize book of secret sneaking moves — and soon blank books end up lost in time.

Meanwhile, the new head of Interpol, puts Carmelita Montoya Fox and Sly Cooper on a deep undercover assignment as thieves — much to their shock and annoyance. As soon as start the intro — Sly admits to that was just playing Amnesia Lover for her — Fox gives him a drill on his moves which includes a copy of his familiar Cooper cane. He pauses the test will flying colors.

The first level takes place in one of the reminding villains's mansion in California. This leads to Sly meet up with Murray, Bentley. When she learns out the time problem, Miss Fox has his huge temper explosion — thieving is one crime, but wrecking time is even worst in her opinion. Fox's mission is usually to talk to her own ancestors to get them out of the picture while the gang fix the time line.

The major section of game switches back and forth from the presents and past of the Cooper Family. The present, the gang work to get their helper for their next "Cooper Clan member's" time period. In the past, the gang targets villain causing problems The twist comes when the gang defeat the villain causing problems in Otto Van Cooper's era: the villain happen to a relative of Dr. M — and he explains that Dr M was dead and Mc Sweety imprisoned because of Conner Cooper's last job! Sly decide to see if the villain's right and the gang take off to Conner's era.

As usual, Sly works to prevent Dr. M's death, but in a way, the Conner's heist is a lot trouble — as both the Klaww Gang and the Fiendish Five arrive. Though, Conner gets away with the goods: it's not with out problems — Mc Sweety is arrested by cops and Dr. M is killed but squashes the fairy friend that the Gang got while fixing Saigh Mac Cooper's era — revealing it be a modifed action figure into RC copter-like Bentley's. Though, he's yanked to a telephone by a cane hook to his own hook — it runs out the Sly's own female daughter had been playing acting and leading Sly. She explains the Collector that been behind everything is her time period. His goal is to still every "Theivus Racoonius" in exist.

It turns out that the collector is a small brown owl know as Dr. Clockwerk. As he gets upset with Cooper Clan being beamed to the future by the gang, he started to replace his flesh with metal body. By the time, Sly faces with Dr. Clockwerk - he come fully metal monster — Clockwerk. They is too much time energy — and Clockwerk is sent back in time. In otherwords, Sly is "alpha and omega" of Clockwerk — a stable time loop. Though Sly gets a model of Clockwerk's robotic body. He decides to put that in updated Cooper Vault. Miss Fox offer marriage to Sly — as she's getting old (she's mention "old" a lot during her missions) — and Sly takes her up. Murray goes back to his racing — and Bentley returns to Penelope.

The credits shows Sly's daughter going thought the Cooper Vault — complete with Bentley's added on for Sly's ice climbing move. The ending has Bentley talking with Sly's daughter on her fairy disguise.

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