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Live Blogs Proof of my Masochism, Let's Liveblog My Inner Life!
AwesomeZombie222011-08-01 05:07:02

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The Beginning (Part 3): Most Illogical.

Little people wearing green clothes that looked like kids started to surround us when we stopped.

Wow, that sentence was awkwardly worded. Why don't you just say, "Kids wearing green clothes started to surround us", and then shortly after, "as I got a better look, they seemed to look more like short adults" or something? Whatever, I must state this point again: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT NOTICE ALL THE MAGIC THINGS THAT HAPPEN AROUND YOU? Is Jenna like, the least observant person in the world? This is coming from a person with 20/80 vision who hasn't gotten his glasses yet! Oh, and you may have noticed that I'm not pointing out typos, even though in my other liveblog, I pointed them out all the time. Well, that's because 1) they aren't as stupid and impossible as Sonic Shadow X, and 2) also unlike Sonic Shadow X, they aren't as common and not all that noticeable. But anyway, since when was Mido a "brave" and "courageous" leader? I mean, it'd be kinda funny if she thought that at first, due to Mido pretending to be awesome, and then Link explained that he just has a huge ego. Whatever, we get a description of the food, and then Jenna notices that Link was watching her. Huh. Kinda funny that I would put the excerpt about Matilda noticing Francis looking at her before this scene. I didn't plan this, but anyway...

Oh so he's Fucking gorgeous by moonlight/Saving worlds by daylight/He's gonna make you into his bride/He is the only Hero of Time! Sorry, sorry, I had to... yeah... yeah... Anyway, they danced all night long, and am I the only person who has "Kiss Me" in their head? Ah... now you have it in your head now. Nice. Anyway, wouldn't, "I danced by myself" be better sounding than, "solo dance"? Anyway, Jenna feels exhausted, and even though I'm sure that she would be incredibly sweaty, look like Sylvester Stallone from all the beers, might be intoxicated enough to have pissed herself, and probably breathe loudly and hoarsely, Link still finds her attractive, or maybe she has the amazing ability to still look attractive after extensive physical exertion and alcohol consumption. That, or, Link is also drunk as hell, and so Jenna looks a lot different than what she actually looks like. Ugh, you know a story's poorly written when I, the reader, not the writer, have to make up excuses for the story! Also, I know I said I wouldn't point out typos, but I think I'll make an exception, if the typo is really stupid and impossible, I will point it out, like this:

I started to know within side myself

Seriously, how do you not catch that? This must be a case of it not being caught by spellcheck because both of them are real words, but it's painfully obvious that you made a mistake here if you didn't completely rely on spellcheck. Anyway, she talks about how she had been seeing Link for more than a month, and that she was going to leave Hyrule soon. What I'm asking is, "Why the hell can't Link just come with you?" I mean, seriously! Why does Link have to be left behind? There's no explanation given! Also, "when I told him his face went from happy to a depressed one"? That... I dunno, it just sorta sounds weird to me. Again, why can't Link come with you? Or, another question for me to ask you is: why not work at the Happy Mask Shop, or start your own business in Hyrule? That way, you don't have to be a traveling merchant and... whatever, all I'm gonna say is: if Spock were here, he would not be amused.

You know, the attraction here is based solely on looks. I find it really funny how in my romances, all of the official romances are based on actual emotional compatibility, but in this story, Link and Jenna are only in love because they think the other's hot, because neither of them has an actual personality. I know that relationships, both friendships and romance, are usually built upon first impressions, and, hey, looks are the first thing you see of a person, but the thing is: I think that, if the only thing going for the romance is looks, like, you aren't compatible at all, ya might as well save yourself the time and effort of wooing the girl and just get your porn stash and go on A Date With Rosie Palms. I mean, would it really be worth it to try and find out everything she likes and pretend to like it just so you can bone her? If sex is what you want, why not go to a strip club? I'm just sayin', if you're the type of person who will endure a person's bitching just to get some tail, there's really nothing you can lose by choosing one of my options, though that may be because sometimes, people don't make sense.

Okay, ending on the note of me sounding like a robot trying to solve the equation of love, I think I'll finish this chapter later.

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