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Live Blogs Not-So-Secret... A-gent Sim! Let's Play MySims Agents!
Nyperold2010-12-26 10:44:22

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It's a (Crab) Trap!

ROOK: I decided against sending out agents at this time, and headed for the beach.

BUDDY: I can't wait to walk around the beach, Rook. Oh, wait, can we go back to HQ real quick? I didn't bring my can of Crab-Off! I don't wanna be swarmed by crabs!

ROOK: We arrived at the boardwalk. Two girls in one-pieces were talking. One was dark-skinned, with black hair in pigtails with pink ribbons, and wearing an orange and yellow one-piece and yellow sandals.

??????: Clara, you've got to get over this whole "imaginary friend" thing. It's making you look less cute.

ROOK: The other one, Clara, apparently, had light skin, red hair in lower pigtails with a daisy in it, and green eyes. She wore a purple one-piece with pink spots and trim, and purple and pink flip-flops.

CLARA: Mr. Suckers is not imaginary. He's real! And he's going to have a tea party with me!

??????: Look, I'm going to see Chaz's stunt show later. Don't embarrass us in front of Chaz. He's soooo dreamy!

CLARA: Ewww, he is not!

ROOK: I decided to poke around for cases, but first, I'd talk to the other beachgoers and business-sims. Down the stairs, I saw a pair of familiar faces!

ROOK: What are you doing at the beach, Dr. F?

DR. F: Research! Studying the amazing science behind those tiny umbrellas they put in drinks. It's fascinating!

ROOK: Ah! Of course. Carry on, Dr. F. Hello again, Tobor.

TOBOR: Pardon me, fleshie, but I need to maximize my relaxation time while I have it.

ROOK: On my way around, I found a skirt outfit, and some paint. Back up on the boardwalk, I talked to the local Turkey-on-a-Fork purveyor...

ROOK: Great day at the beach, isn't it?

???? ???: Oh yeah. Yippee. I love standing out in the sun, getting sunburned, selling Turkey-on-a-Fork. My life's dream is fulfilled!

ROOK: ...the sushi chef...

ROOK: A sushi stand on the beach?

???? ????????: Indeed! My perfect sushi rolls require fish of incredible freshness. So now when I need fish I can go right to the source!

ROOK: I see. Smart plan!

ROOK: ...and another familiar face, the SCUBA MUBA shop proprietoress.

ROOK: Hey. So now you're at the beach?

YUKI: Yuki likes the beach. SCUBA gear to rent and lots of red faces to bite.

ROOK: So you're running the MUBA stand?

YUKI: That's right! Come by for a free lesson! Or face biting.

ROOK: Out in the water, I talked to the girls.

ROOK: You seem to be enjoying yourself.

??????: Don't you just love the ocean? It's so big and blue. And I look so cute standing next to it!

ROOK: Enjoying the weather?

CLARA: You bet! When it's this nice out, I like looking for animals in the water. I saw two dolphins and a surfer already today!

ROOK: I also spoke with the lifeguard, a light-skinned girl with blond hair in a ponytail, and blue eyes.

ROOK: So, you must be the lifeguard on duty?

??????: You betcha! Welcome to the beach! Please have fun and be safe!

ROOK: Sure thing, Summer.

ROOK: In back of the stands and shops, the parking lot seemed to have a lot of not-cars in it. Specifically, some crates, some hay bales, and some road cones, blocking access to a pair of ramps on either side of a hoop. There was a van with a face on it, but you'd expect that. There were also trash cans, one of which had a radio on it. I talked to the guy in the stunt outfit.

ROOK: What's going on over here?

CHAZ: Well, chump, you're a little early. Chaz, king of the beach, is getting ready for his most extreme stunt yet.

ROOK: Hmph. I'm no chump!

ROOK: I decided talking to the guy with the doggie hood would be more pleasant.

ROOK: What's all this setup for?

???: Hey, Chaz-fans! Here for the most extreme stunt ever attempted? Get to the back of the line and have your ticket ready!

ROOK: Err...there is no line.

???: There will be once you get in it.

...They're just setting themselves up for Hype Aversion, aren't they?

ROOK: Hype Backlash, at least. It looks pretty ordinary, I've gotta say. Anyway, I went to see the tattoo parlor proprietor.

ROOK: What's doing, Justice?

JUSTICE: Sorry, kid, no time for idle chat. My crab traps are missing!

ROOK: That's no good. Anything I can do?

JUSTICE: Well, kid, you can find out who did it so I can bring 'im a world of hurt. Interested?

ROOK: Yeah, I'll look into it.

JUSTICE: Right on, kid. Let me tell you what I know.

ROOK: Go ahead, Justice.

JUSTICE: Thanks, kid! Sorry to bug ya, but like I said: I got real problems with my crab traps.

ROOK: I didn't know you kept crab traps!

JUSTICE: Kid, I've been all over this world and eaten a lot of different grub. Take it from Justice, there is no finer food in life than the crabcake sandwich.

Well, there is this little thing called differing tastes...

ROOK: Yeah, crabcakes are pretty good.

JUSTICE: They're the best! That's why I set up my own traps. I'm addicted to fresh crab!!

ROOK: But now—no traps...

JUSTICE: And no crab! Ya gotta help me, kid. Find out who stole my traps.

ROOK: Any idea about who would want to take your crab traps, Justice?

JUSTICE: Well, I have some suspicions. Like that girl, Clara, and that sushi chef...

ROOK: Why do you think it was Clara?

JUSTICE: ...Because I caught her the other day trying to free one of my crabs. Said it was "mean" to trap them.

ROOK: Do you think she tried again?

JUSTICE: I scolded her pretty good when I caught her the first time. I'd be surprised if she tried again, but you never know...

ROOK: Justice... if it was her... you wouldn't really hurt her, would you?

JUSTICE: ...Well... no, I guess not. But maybe I could get Luke or Summer to talk to her.

ROOK: Good. So, what about Chef Watanabe?

JUSTICE: Well, his business is raw fish, and crab meat is the most delicious food ever. Maybe he got tempted...

ROOK: Do you have any proof that the chef did it?

JUSTICE: Well, I didn't actually see him do anything.' If I knew it was him, I wouldn't have mentioned Clara. But, I installed a camera on the roof of my tattoo parlor; maybe it caught him in the act.

ROOK: First, I checked in with the shopkeepers.

ROOK: Hey, Luke, how are the waves today?

LUKE: Well, the swell is killer, but there's something up with the water near the buoys past Summer's lifeguard chair.

ROOK: What's up with the water?

LUKE: Well, I was shreddin' over that way earlier, and I started feelin' a lil' ill and kinda itchy. Also the waves were sorta glowin'.

ROOK: Glowing?!

LUKE: Totally! Killer, right? I must have really been shreddin'!

ROOK: I don't think shredding does that... anyway, on to Mr. Sunshine...

ROOK: What are your thoughts on the missing traps?

???? ???: I have some ideas. But business is down, and I only get paid on "drumstick commission," so I can't talk now.

ROOK: But there's no customers in sight. What will it take to get your help?

???? ???: You could buy Turkey-on-a-Fork. It's turkey. On a fork. I'm required to ask if you want extra gravy.

ROOK: Who wouldn't want extra gravy?

ROOK: I bought, and ate. It was pretty good!

???? ???: Mmm, a meal fit for a tourist. So remember when I said business was down? It's because of Chef Watanabe over there.

ROOK: That's it? What does that have to do with the missing crab traps?

???? ???: Well, he has a new special: Super Jumbo Crab Meat Roll. You do the math.

ROOK: I should talk with the chef, but first...

ROOK: Know anything about the missing crab traps?

YUKI: Yuki doesn't know about cages for crab. Yuki likes Turkey-on-a-Fork!

ROOK: Got it. So you didn't see anything suspicious?

YUKI: Nope, Yuki's been at her stand all day, renting "MUBA" things. Not even a face bite today!

ROOK: And finally...

ROOK: Know anything about missing crab traps, chef?

CHEF WATANABE: No! Why should I?

ROOK: No reason. Any idea who would want to take them?

CHEF WATANABE: Hai! That girl, Clara. She thinks it's "cruelty to animals" to make sushi! Does she not realize it's delicious?

ROOK: Then I went out to the beach. I didn't feel I could ask Clara directly—

Yeah, the "Talk" icon was faded out, meaning you'd just get the same conversation as earlier.

ROOK: ...Of course. So I went to the others.

ROOK: Have you seen anything suspicious recently?

SUMMER: Something suspicious? How do you mean?

ROOK: Anyone lurking in the water nearby that could have taken Justice's crab traps?

SUMMER: No...but now that you mention it, I did see something strange the other day.

ROOK: Strange, how?

SUMMER: While on duty here, I thought I saw a weird boat way out in the ocean. When I got my binoculars, it had disappeared into the water!

ROOK: I wondered if her sighting was related. Anyway, I figured I'd get something harder than hearsay by checking Justice's camera. To get to it, I had to jump onto the newspaper box, from there to the phone booth — Whoa, phones come in booth form now?

Uh, you saw one back on Main Street...?

ROOK: Oh, right. From there, I jumped to Luke's surf shop roof where I found a chest with surf tunes and paint patterns. I crossed the sign to the sushi stand, and from there to the roof of the tattoo parlor.

Huh. I didn't see it before, but the sign on the MUBA shop looks like Morcubus's hair.

ROOK: Well, yeah. That makes sense. Anyway, I hopped onto the crate and proceeded to hack the camera. The footage showed Yuki going behind the surf shop, but it wasn't aimed in a way that lets you see the traps.

ROOK: You went behind the surf shop. Can I ask why?

YUKI: Yuki did no such thing!

ROOK: Well, the video surveillance I watched says differently.

YUKI: Oh, that. Yuki had to make call.


ROOK: I don't think that's what she meant. Besides, I think she's... trained.

ROOK: What kind of business?

YUKI: "MUBA" stuff.

ROOK: I figured it might be worth a try to hack the phone. And what do you know, it worked. The number turned out to be 1-800-555-PAINT-IT, which seems like too many numbers. And why did they turn up as letters, anyway? I decided to talk to Dr. F.

ROOK: What's up, doc?

DR. F: Never Heard That One Before. So, did that tantalizingly noxious radiation drive you to the far end of the beach? May I pour you a tall glass of "Electronade"?

ROOK: So, how are things back at the lab?

DR. F: Superb! The Foliage Fusion Drive has been a great success in gardening circles! Alexa is currently hitting the tradeshows.

ROOK: Ah, so that's why she's not here.

Just as well, as she'd probably be in a labcoat, herself.

ROOK: Um, is that a smart idea? Mass-marketing a device that vaporizes plant-life?

DR. F: The smartest!! Overgrown lawns beware! Wait 'till you see my next invention: the Pet Prevention Engine!

ROOK: Okaaay, so... "Electronade"?

DR. F: My latest breakthrough in the beverage sciences. I hook a single lemon up to a car battery and shock the juice right out of it!

ROOK: Sounds...electrifying!

DR. F: ...And refreshing!

ROOK: Wait...what?! Radiation?

DR. F: Yes! Good ol' trace nuclear waste! The other end of the beach reeks of it!

ROOK: Poor Luke... and the other beachgoers, too... but why are there traces of nuclear fallout on the beach?!

DR. F: There are dozens of potential explanations! Mutant sand-dollars? Nuclear mini-subs pulling water-skiers? We may never know!

ROOK: Is there any way I can find the source of this radiation?

DR. F: Find me some scientific items and I will fashion you a Super Detector! It will detect anything! Or at least, radiation...

ROOK: I'd have to collect a megaphone, an atomic convertor, and an auxiliary sensor. First...

ROOK: Might you have an auxiliary sensor to spare?

TOBOR: Oh, sure. Just gut the robot for parts! He won't feel anything...

ROOK: Yeah...that'd be great, Tobor!

TOBOR: Why is sarcasm always lost on fleshies? Fine! One less auxiliary sensor is that much less I have to listen to human insanity.

ROOK: He handed it over.

ROOK: Thanks, Tobor!

TOBOR: Huh?! What? Did you say something?!

ROOK: {The doctor says I need a gadget, and the only prescription is more megaphone. I think I saw a couple on that sign there. I'll only need one...}

ROOK: I snagged it, and looked for an atomic converter. I wondered if those crates by the train platform would hold one. Indeed, the big one did! While I was there, I opened a chest with a punching bag, a sports ball sculpture, and a new set of boxing gloves! Back to the doc.

ROOK: Hey doc, I think I have all the parts for that gadget you mentioned...

DR. F: Excellent! I will fashion you the most devastating Super Detector ever! This will only take a moment...

ROOK: He took the detector and worked on it a bit. Then he handed it back. I went to a spot in the water lined up with the lifeguard chair, equipped the Super Detector, and headed away from Dr. F's end. Soon enough, the detector picked up traces of radiation, which I followed. I found it strongest near a cliff wall where a storm drain let out higher up. I went up near where the drain was and F-Spaced some rocks down from in front of a cave, unblocking it and making a crude stairway up. I climbed up, and opened a chest containing end tables in stone, wood, alien theme, and... floating? I entered the cave. I hopped onto a crate, and from there to a thing with a chest on it! This one contained a Morcubus figurine, and some more paint patterns. Back on the ground, there was a crate with more paints. Over by some paint cans, I found an order invoice for paint, tying Yuki to this submarine! I also found a broken control station, which I repaired, and raised the sub. An investigation of the propeller revealed a length of rope tangled around it. Interesting. I had just about everything I needed. I'd checked just about everywhere, except... the scene! I headed over to the actual former locations of the cages. I looked around near where the cages were, and saw... a thick, shiny black liquid. I sent a scan to Roxie.

ROXIE: My analysis shows that substance you found in the water is a special type of aquatic lubricant.

ROOK: That clinched it. I went to see Justice.

ROOK: Hey, Justice, I think I know what happened to your traps...

JUSTICE: Tell me now, kid!

ROOK: We went outside.

JUSTICE: So, what did ya find out, kid? Do you know who stole my lunch?

ROOK: Well, it turns out that nobody stole the crabs at all. The traps were smashed by propellers.

JUSTICE: Propellers? But all the boats docked here are sailboats! Kid, I'm no agent, but that doesn't make sense.

ROOK: It seemed strange at first to me, too, but I followed a radiation signature to a hidden Morcu Corp submarine dock. Turns out, Yuki has been driving a mini-sub around... unfortunately, I'm not exactly sure why she's doing it!

YUKI: Yuki loves driving the Yukisub!

ROOK: Yuki! Why are you joyriding around in a nuclear submarine?!

YUKI: Yuki doesn't have to tell you! Are you charging Yuki with something? Yuki requests her lawyer.

ROOK: Kid has a surprisingly good grasp on the legal system.

YUKI: Morcu Corp lawyers are great for biting and high-stakes corporate litigation!

ROOK: Sorry about the traps, Justice, but I've got to learn more about what's going on here...

JUSTICE: Hey, I understand, kid. Thanks for the help. Guess I've got some online crab trap shopping to do!

(And you've got new missions!)

  • The Finest Blade

CHEF WATANABE: Greetings, Agent Rook. This humble chef is saddened to inform you that my sushi knives, handed down from my old master, are thoroughly worn out. A sushi chef must have the sharpest of blades to be able to slice perfect cuts of fish. Please, help this chef find the edge he needs for his art.

3 stars. 15 minutes. Nature/Smarts. New outfits & new dispatch mission.

  • Justice for Justice

JUSTICE: Hey kid. Justice here. Look, I'm having trouble with some old...friends of mine. They've started a rival tattoo parlor, and they're stealing all my designs! I know they're doing it, but I need proof to get them shut down by the city tattoo board!

5 stars. 10 minutes. Athletic/Charismatic. New outfits & a trophy.

  • Missions
    • Candypaluna: **; A/S; Object, Mission
    • Episode X: **; S/P; Object, Trophy
    • Equipment Recovery: **; A/S; Outfits, Mission
    • F, Robot: ***; S/C; Outfits, Mission
    • Failing Forest: ***; N/P; Object, Paint, Recruit
    • The Finest Blade: ***; N/S; Outfits, Mission (NEW!)
    • Gonk Need Food, Badly: ****; N/A; Object, Recruit
    • H 4 XXOR 3 D!: ****; S/C; Object, Recruit
    • High School Yearbook: ***; C/P; Object, Mission
    • Justice for Justice: *****; A/C; Outfits, Trophy (NEW!)
    • Legendary Cheese: *; A/N; Outfits, Trophy
    • Magical Assistant: ***; C/P; Object, Mission
    • Missing Bugs: **; N/A; Objects
    • Ol' Gabby's Mine: **; S/N; Objects
    • The Prominence: ***; P/S; Outfits
    • Reagent Run: **; P/N; Outfits, Recruit
    • Red Buddy: ***; P/A; Outfits, Object, Trophy
    • Roadie Despair: *; C/S; Objects, Recruit
    • The Sadness Parade: **; C/P; Outfits
    • Sewer Search: ***; S/N; Object, Trophy
    • Snack Thief: ***; S/C; Outfits, Object, Trophy
    • Tainted Broth: ***; P/N; Object, Paint, Recruit
    • The Bushido Code: ***; A/C; Outfits, Object
    • Yeti Begins: **; P/N; Objects, Paint

  • Recruits and Recruitables
    • Beebee: N,A,3C
    • Carl: 3P,N,S
    • Elmira: P,N,3S
    • Gordon: 5S
    • Leaf: 3N,2C
    • Ms. Nicole: 4C,S
    • Nova: 2P,N,2S
    • Pinky: P,4C
    • Preston: A,3C,S
    • RenĂ©e: 3N,2C
    • Roger: 5A
    • Agent Rosalyn: 2P,3S
    • Travis: 3C,2S
    • Trevor: 5C
    • Agent Vic: 3P,C,S
    • Violet: 3P,N,S
    • Wolfah: 3N,2A
    • Zoe: 4P,S

Next time: Luke, I am your surfer!

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