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Live Blogs Let's Play The Adventures of Willy Freeman I mean Beamish
BlackWolfe2010-12-11 06:40:31

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In between installments, because of a lot of conversation going on (see the comments to the previous installment for a sample), I had a lot of things to say before embarking upon the final day. As the post covers a lot of game-relevant material and includes a You Tube embed, I am reproducing it here instead of in the comments.

Okay, let's hit some highlights:

  • The flies are in Willy's bedroom on the left side of the chest-of-drawers. Due to forgetting to save near the end of Day 2, I had to replay the day to get to Day 3, and picked them up.
  • I think you're right about the lawn-mowing, but I can't remember how to trigger that.
  • Mountains accurate to within .1% is juuuust a wee bit obsessive.
  • Gordon's genre-blindness continues right up through the point it's going to get him killed, as you'll see in the final update.
  • As far as the kitchen islands go, they're not high class, but:
    • Not every middle class household has one, and
    • I'm just jealous.
  • I do still have the soda. I wanted to show what happens if you use it in the race.
  • Speaking of the race, you can win the game even if you come in second.
    • Your only real competition is Turbofrog, unless Gigi's there too.
    • Without Gigi, the worst you can do is second.
    • With Gigi, the worst you can do is third.
    • With Gigi there, it's easier to win.

In any case, I'm annotating part three of this update now. If I don't get it done before it's time to go to work, it'll be tomorrow. Then there are three more after that.

Annnnnd I am out of time. Have some Rod Stewart to get you in the right mindset for the final two updates while you wait:

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