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Live Blogs MOM! Robbie Rotten is doing a Phineas and Ferb liveblog!
RobbieRotten2010-12-10 20:35:54

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Episode 10:The Magnificent Few

The episode begins with...SONGTIME! That was quick.

This song is called "On The Trail". It's song by some cowboy. It's a pretty good song.

It turns out the whole thing was just some movie Phineas was watching on his. portable video player. They are on a very tame horse ride called "Ride 'Em Cowboy!" at some place.

Phineas: Hey Isabella, what are you doing here?

Isabella: I just earned my Milking badge, and it's was so easy. All you do is: squeeze and pull and squeeze and pull and squeeze and pull and squeeze and pull, and so whatcha doin'?

Phineas: We're riding ponies, but it makes a fella hanker for the real thing. You know, living out on the open range, riding, roping, branding, busting broncos and breaking wind with your amigos under the western skies. Heck, we could even ford a stream! I don't even know that that means, but it sounds fun. Oh, and spitting.

That was funny. So it looks like Phineas and Ferb are herding Cattle. Should be fun

Phineas: Hey,Where's Perry?

Stop doing that so quickly!

Major Monogram then begins the briefing. Dr. Doofenshmirtz has three overdue library books, a corner on the market for aluminum siding and a water fortress on Lake Winemahkateekihaha.

And then we cut to Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. Glad I didn't have you wait for this part.

And then we meet a rather, interesting character....

Doofenshmirtz: Let me introduce to you, my Assistant! Vanessa!

Vanessa: Whatever

Vanessa eh? File her under Lust, Perverse Sexual.

He then launches into the details of his latest plan: he's put helmets on termites so that he can control them with his own Termite-Controlling Helmet.After they eat all the wood in the Tri-State Area, everyone would have to buy aluminum siding from him. Termite, The Bugs Of Evil.

The termites end up at the Place Phineas and Ferb were hanging out and eat all the wood which cuses all the cows To Stampede straight towards town.

The boys grab some horses and head to town. The stampede continues into the mall's songtime again!

It's called "In The Mall". It's good but I like the first song better.

Candace is heading their way on her bike and She loses control going down a hill and crashes into Haney's Cow Emporium.

She talks to the Owner to get something to stop the Stampede.

Candace: What have you got to Stop a stampede?

Haney: Let's See...A Scary Wolf Puppet!.... Imagine your a cow. You there minding your own business chewing your cud with the other Heifers suddenly..."I'm A Very hungry wolf and I like to eat cows!"....Course not.

I can file that under CMOF.

The Silent Cow Whistle seems to be a different matter, so Candace buys that, forgetting the first word in its name.

She tries to use the whistle and complains loudly that the cow whistle doesn't work. She runs away.

Meanwhile, back at the water fortress, Agent P has been lowered ever so slowly towards the lava.

Agent P swings over to a control panel and then moves the ropes holding him close enough to the lava for it to burn through.

Now free, Agent P reaches over to a button and presses it which activates the self-destruct.

Vanessa: You put a self-destruct button in a death chamber? I'm so out of here. This is the worst 'Bring Your Daughter to Work Day' ever.

  • Record Scratch* Wait what? No way. I must of heard that wrong.

Doofenshmirtz:Tell your mother you had fun, though.

Wait, so what your saying is THAT girl is Doofenshmirtz'a...daughter?

The apple fell hard from that tree.

Agent P and Dr. Doofenshmirtz are flying back towards on Agent P's jetpack the place Dr. Doofenshmirtz lands on top of the carnival's roller coaster. Agent P puts the Termite-Controlling Helmet into reverse, drawing the termites towards the doctor. Since Dr. Doofenshmirtz cannot reach the switch, he is defeated.

The termites eat the coaster and the wood surrounds the cows, trapping them.

So Mom shows up to take them home.

Linda:Candace? Are you ok Sweetie?

Candace: I SO don't wanna talk about it!

Linda: Alright, get in the car, snappy pants. What was that about?

Ferb: I reckon herding cattle ain't for city folk.

It sure aint


Final Thoughts? This episode was solid. I can't think of any negatives things to say about. The Positives: The song ,funny jokes, Haney, VANESSA.

Episode 11: S'Winter

The episode opens up with Phineas and Ferb in the backyard. Lawrence shows up to ask them what they are doing. Phineas reply's that it's too hot to do anything.

So Lawrence breaks out an old snow cone machine to make some snow cones. Phineas realizes that snow in July would be pretty cool, which gives him an idea.

Phineas: Hey,Where's Perry?

Once again, that was quick.

Anyway, Monogram tells Perry that Doofenshmirtz has bought a bunch of Laser Pointers and then he leaves.

Isabella: Hey Phineas.

Phineas: Hi Isabella.

Isabella: Whatcha doin'?

Phineas: We're making S'Winter.

Ferb: It's a unique and logic defying amalgam of Winter and Summer.

Wouldn't that be Wummer? I mean they are trying to create a W intery-Summer.. So therefore, it's wummer.

They create a mountain of snow in their backyard. Candace is busy chatting to a friend on the phone , and then notices the lack of light. She struggles to open her window, and then succeeds, but also lets quite a lot of snow into her room.

Phineas tells Candace whats going on time!

Much like the episode, this song is called "S'Winter". I really like this song but I think songs He's A Bully or Backyard Beach are better.

Phineas: Some people call it Wummer!

Told you.

Candace then Sees Jeremy with some Swedish exchange student named DD.

Candace gets jealous and runs up the mountain and trying to make her way on the ski lift.

Then she runs into someone....

Candace: Ugh. My brothers are just driving me crazy!

Vanessa:You should try spending an hour with my dad sometime

Hey! Fancy see you again! Then Candace forgots to jump off and Vanessa jumps off making her appearance...*Sigh* Entirely Pointless.

Meanwhile, Perry shows up at Doofenshmirtz's lair and he traps Perry in quick hardening chocolate.

He starts to talk about how the Melt-inator 6-5000 came to be, and what it does-Melt chocolate for him to use to create the most irresistible confection in the Tri-State Area. Cool. Candace arrives at the top of the mountain and sees Jeremy talking to D.D. slips on the ice rink she was foolishly running on, causing her to fall off the mountain of snow and She gets caught on Phineas and Ferb's snowboard and goes through a series of obstacles which mysteriously avoid the boys, but hit Candace instead. After a really cool scene, They then take their rightful place on the first place podium, winning the snowboarding competition. Jeremy compliments Candace and introduces her to D.D., who turns out to be a boy.

Anyway, Doof activates his machine but it takes up too much power and and ends up using all the power in the Tri-State Area.

Phineas and Ferb's machine breaks, causing all the snow to melt. Of course taken Mom and Dad to the backyard.

Candace: Mom! Dad! Hurry Up! It's a Mix of Winter and Summer! They call it S'winter.

Lawrence: I think that would be wummer wouldn't it?

You see, he gets it.

Of course all the snow is gone and Linda is clueless once again.

Phineas: Today was the best S'winter day ever!

It was the ONLY S'Winter day. Unless they make a sequel episode anyway.


Final Thought? Good Episode. Not as good the last one but I enjoyed it.

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