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Let's mix it up at Atelier Rorona!
Having played all three of the Atelier Iris games, both Mana Khemia games, the first Ar Tonelico, and Atelier Annie, I'm certainly interested when it comes to this new project of yours. Considering that the game's just beginning, I shouldn't say much, but I do hope that things go smoothly.

Luckily, the first few assignments are pretty easy to complete. The challenge lies in completing those and maintaining a good reputation with the townspeople at the same time.
You know, I can't exactly figure out how beehives would make good gunpowder material. Call me an idiot, but wouldn't that make the mixture a fair bit...sticky? Is the key ingredient the honey stored inside, or the wax?

Odd questions aside, it seems that Rorona's on top of things, going above and beyond what's required while still making time for her friends. You're doing a superb job, and I eagerly await the next installment.
I'll bet it's the wax. Then again, the plausibility of some video game alchemy/item crafting recipes confounds me.
Etsy wanted...'Stim Stones'? My first assumption is that it's a stone that acts as a stimulus, as the name implies. However, even in a world where alchemy exists, I have a hard time believing that such a thing could exist, and have no clue how it'd work if it did. Does it radiate energy? Or can the minerals that the stone is comprized of be grinded up and used like salt? I guess only time will reveal the answer to this puzzle...
I'll have too look at the description one more time, but the picture itself looks like your run-of-the-mill space rock. Or, it could just be a fancy name for something completely ordinary, like Zettel just being glorified paper.