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Context PlayingWith / ShyBlueHairedGirl

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1'''Basic Trope''': A girl who has blue hair, is shy and demure.
2* '''Straight''': Alice, a ShrinkingViolet has blue hair.
3* '''Exaggerated''':
4** Alice has ultramarine hair and she is so shy that she is socially dysfunctional.
5** Alice has ultramarine hair and is painfully reserved and ProneToTears.
6* '''Downplayed''':
7** Alice just has blue highlights in her normal colored hair, and is only shy and reluctant when meeting people for the first time.
8** Alice has blue hair and tends to be quiet and keep to herself, but she still enjoys socializing with others sometimes.
9* '''Justified''':
10** Alice hates her hair color and, because of it, doesn't want to show herself.
11** Alice lives in a world where hair doesn't generally come in blue, and is shy and withdrawn because [[SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome everyone thinks she's a freak]] and treats her like one.
12** Alice, in an attempt to be more popular, dyes her hair blue.
13** In a world where certain people are destined to become superheroes with a certain element, Alice is destined to become a [[MakingASplash water-using]] magical girl, so she is born with blue hair and a shy personality to match.
14* '''Inverted''':
15** FieryRedhead.
16** Alice has blue hair and has a cheery, outgoing personality.
17** Alice has blue hair but has a short temper and boisterous personality. The stars that burn at the highest temperatures look blue, after all.
18** Alice is bashful to the point of occasionally running away when someone she doesn't know says hello to her, but has pink hair.
19** Alice is shy because she's insecure about her red hair.
20** Alice is stoic, [[EmotionlessGirl stone-faced]], and unyielding, and her ice-blue hair signifies her icy personality.
21* '''Subverted''':
22** Alice has blue hair and is normally very demure. However, when the situation gets rough, she morphs into a badass, foul-mouthed ActionGirl.
23** The class assumes that the new transfer student Alice would be painfully shy due to her looking like a blue-haired anime girl. And then Alice gives an eloquent introduction of herself, surprising everyone.
24* '''Double Subverted''':
25** As she adopts her new, badass, foul-mouthed persona, her hair turns red.
26** Her other persona is a defense mechanism. She wants just as badly to be left alone, but in this state she lashes out, both verbally and physically, rather than retreating.
27* '''Parodied''':
28** Alice gets her hair dyed blue and immediately becomes withdrawn afterwards.
29** Alice is a NewTransferStudent, and Bob, Charles and Diane want to make her feel welcome.
30-->'''Bob''' (to Alice): [[NoIndoorVoice HI, NEW GIRL!]]\
31'''Alice''': ''(runs away screaming)''\
32'''Charles''': See? I told you people with blue hair were weird!\
33'''[[SurroundedByIdiots Diane]]''': ''({{facepalm}})''
34* '''Zig Zagged''':
35** Alice is blue-haired, but she gets frequent mood swings. She's quiet and shy one moment, and boisterous and loud the next.
36** Alice is a {{Dandere}}, and once she warms up to you she's friendly and outgoing.
37* '''Averted''':
38** Alice hasn't got blue hair or she isn't shy or both.
39** Shyness is not dependent on hair color.
40* '''Enforced''': "According to the studio mandate, we have to make sure the audience knows this character is shy from the get-go. The only way to do that is to make her blue-haired, or else the company would fire us."
41* '''Lampshaded''': "No wonder you have blue hair! You're so shy and quiet!"
42* '''Invoked''': Alice dyes her hair blue to appear like this trope.
43* '''Exploited''': Brenda the bully specifically seeks out blue-haired girls like Alice, knowing that she'll be too shy to make a ruckus and let Brenda and her GirlPosse walk all over her.
44* '''Defied''': Outgoing loudmouth carol dyes her hair blue specifically to kick the stereotype in the metaphorical nards.
45* '''Discussed''': "Do you think they're any correlation between hair-color and shyness?"
46* '''Conversed''': "Gee, it's like hair color is an index of personality in this show. All the blue-haired girls are shy and withdrawn!"
47* '''Implied''': Alice is socially award and bald throughout the show, but when she hasn't shaved recently, we can see a blueish tint to her scalp.
48* '''Deconstructed''': Everyone Alice dates assumes that she is this, because of her hair colour. In frustration, Alice dyes her hair red, in order to get people to take her seriously.
49* '''Reconstructed''': Alice dyes her hair red to escape the stereotypying, but finds that the social expectation has gotten to her, and she does indeed still have social anxiety left, no matter what color she dyes her hair.
51Back to ShyBlueHairedGirl.
53%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
55%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
