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Archived Discussion VisualNovel / Kanon

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Susan Davis: First Girl Wins — no, she doesn't! She loses to Ayu!

Jisu: The entry for First Girl Wins says it's either the first girl period, or the first one after the childhood friend, if I remember correctly.

Seth: The Unlucky Osananajimi clause. The childhood friends are exempt from First Girl Wins and it's the next one he meets that will actually win.

Jisu: Besides, counting the dream prologues, Ayu is technically the first girl we see.

Susan Davis: ...and, additionally, Unlucky Osananajimi is a myth — the osananajimi character is one of the most common "winners" in harem anime, according to a recent study that actually ran the numbers.

Seth: I saw that chart - but there are still a lot of instances where they do lose.

Citizen: Of course, there's also the confusion of The Ayu that we know the entire series (including confessing to/kissing Yuuichi) being an illusion of the real Ayu, who's stuck in the hospital the entire time... or something. ^^

Morgan Wick: Someone actually did a study on the most common "winners" in harem anime. Someone has wayyyyyyyyyyy too much time on their hands.

03/17/07 at 06:30 PM by Jisu Changed line 9 from:

  • Catch Phrase (Ayu's "uguu", Makoto's "auu", Nayuki's "nyuu", ...)
  • Catch Phrase (Ayu's "uguu", Makoto's "auu. Nayuki also tends to "nyuu", but not as often.)
Citizen: Picky, picky. :P Seemed like she did this several times whenever she was in sleepy-mode. Even if not as ever-present as "uguu"...

Seth: I could have sworn Nayuki also said Daioh a lot. It was on the alarm clock as well. Or is that an actual word?

Susan Davis: She says "da yo", not "Daioh", specifically in the Catch Phrases "asa da yo!" and "fight-o da yo?" (Was there ever a Kanon manga in Dengeki Daioh?)

Citizen: Okay, that's it, I'm giving this entry my Yuuichi edit picture. Of course, I also have two backup pics: A group shot of the girls, and a Mahou Shounen Yuuichi screenshot. ^^ Meh. I guess I'll give it a week tops before I switch to the group shot.

Seth: Yeah, this image is funny but there are better ones for the series. When it comes to a series either we use a promo screen or one that is particularly symbolic of the show. Some of the images you have uploaded (Like the one for Black Lagoon) there are probably better ones for.

Citizen: Alright, alright, I knew that pic wouldn't really work when I posted it. I'll replace it.

Seth: Well for a start it is a photoshop. In the show he was up against the wall. Yuuichi is not spider-man.

Citizen: I know, I know. I was just having a little fun. I just said that I was the one who edited that pic.

Seth: we try not to have images more than 200px wide on main entries as it squashes all the text to the side. One or two aren't a problem if the image can't be shrunk without major loss of quality but that one is a bit big.

Citizen: It doesn't seem to come out too well when shrunk, so I threw in a line break instead, but I uploaded the smaller version if you feel like replacing it.

Seth: I get your meaning but the line break wont work. I think there is a code that resizes them on the server but i cant be bothered to work it out. How does this one look? (Image removed) 25Px is easier to work with (Since the old pic was leterbox its hard to resize :| ) This is from the game though so the artstyle is a little different.

Citizen: I usually don't like the game art, but that picture's not so bad. Still, I much prefer the Kyo Ani's version. AniDB has a pic that's taller but not as wide that would work nicely:

Seth: Ill try resizing that one and seeing if it works. (Image removed) If we expand the entry a bit it should be okay. Ill take a stab at it. Looks much better with a little expansion. Feel free to expand the body some more - i disliked Kanon so i avoided putting too much in lest i inject my opinion.

Khym Chanur: Isn't Makoto more of a Defrosting Ice Queen than a Tsundere, in that she gradually shifts from one pole to the other over the course of her arc than switching back and forth?

Jisu: Overall, yes. But in the beginning, especially in the Kyoto Animation version, she is tsundere.

MegaTroopX: All I know is this is one of the strangest anime I've ever seen.

SpiriTsunami: Interestingly enough, the name of the piece of music referenced in the page quote is actually spelled Canon. Lucky for us that it got translated with a K, or else we'd have a lot of confusion on our hands.

Muninn: The title of the piece is actually Kanon D-dur. Canon is the translated english title.
