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Archived Discussion Videogame / WarCraft

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Charred Knight: Deleted the troll example, did Blizzard take some stuff? Yes, but that seems more like crying over spilled milk.

Nirual: Sure they did, but thats not really anything uncommon. There are still many things that make the Warcraft setting unique compared to Warhammer and other fantasy settings.

Vurp The Tool: Can anyone shorten the last paragraph without emitting too much information? It kinda seems ridiculous that the Horde campaign for the Frozen Throne gets its own huge paragraph, but a lot happens.

Anon: This page gets a bit World Of Warcraft-heavy in places, with some of the tropes referring exclusively to examples from the MMO and its canon. Some insightful points, but there's a separate page for that sort of thing, right? As long as the extended universe gets two pages total, it's probably best to restrict this page to tropes from WC I-III.

Xavius: What's with the page image? The faction is called Night Elves, not Ancients. Ancient is just a type of creature/unit.

  • Narvi: It's an official image. I think that was the name used during development.

Scow2 Okay... what happened to the Pre-Warcraft III examples, such as Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal's Five-Man Band? And I'm sort of irked that the trope list ignores the tropes used in the first two games that eventually were eventually phased out by the third. Also... WTF is this this about?

  • Standard Fantasy Setting (Averted as most races, including humans, have 20th or 21st century technology (with some space-age sci-fi thrown in) but have for the most part been blown back into the dark ages by infrastructure loss resulting from cataclysm and war.)
