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Archived Discussion VideoGame / TalesOfVesperia

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

With regards to the Badass entry. This information is accurate. In the past, Leon and Kratos have taken the 1st place position, making Yuri the first lead role to achieve that status. He's also the first winner who wasn't a traitor - Rakuen

@ Wild Knight: I found that the dialogue in some of the skits wasn't translated as well as the rest of the voiced dialogue, but I can't remember any specific examples, so I won't re-add that. However, the synopsis does claim that the Manor of the Wicked is to the east of Dahngrest when it is actually to the west (I spent an hour of my first play through hopelessly trying to find it because I accidentally skipped Raven's line telling you where it is). I'll re-add the comment about the synopsis not always being accurate, but I won't re-add it to the "Blind Idiot" Translation. - lrrose

Wild Knight: A sharp-eyed fan on the Tales Series forums noted something interesting about the conversation during the fight with Yeager:

Raven: I guess we're just destined to fight each other...
Yeager: Terribly sorry, but friendship does not last an eternity.
Estelle: But the guilds working together would bring so much to the people of the world.
Yeager: Now that IS a fantasy!
Yuri: You're right. Let's finish this.
Yeager: Hear the symphony of my attack!
(2nd part...)
Raven:'re just like me.
Yeager: I will send anyone who gazes on this to the deepest abyss!
Yuri: I don't think so.
Yeager: Hurry up and yield to me, otherwise you will die here.
Raven: Heh, we've both been dead already. Dying isn't that scary.
Yeager: Heh heh. This battle with you will make my heart a legend!
...Get it? Yeager seems to be referencing several past entries in the Tales Series! Shall we put it under Mythology Gag, or is it too much of a stretch?

Rogue 7: Throw up a youtube clip of the scene in question if you've got it. Otherwise it's a bit too long, if you ask me.

Wild Knight: Done. If people don't think there's enough of a consensus on this, though, feel free to remove it.
