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Archived Discussion Main / WhereDoesHeGetAllThoseWonderfulToys

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Morgan Wick: Everything past the Kittlemeier's Shop seems to be describing a separate trope. The entry talks about how it stretches Willing Suspension of Disbelief when superheroes ask the question of where superheroes and villains got the resources necessary to build the equivalent of an Elaborate Underground Base or other Cool Gadgets (not to mention the Cool Car), and then goes into all the shops where villains get cool stuff and all the people heroes turn to for same.

Ununnilium: Added to the entry a paragraph that I think ties it together.

Mega Troop X: If the page is going to named after the Trope Namer, it should be done right; no "all".

The Joker: Where does he get those wonderful toys? (Batman, 1989)

Squall: Seconding Mega Troop X.

Jason: I was wondering about the Kitlemeier's thing. It always struck me as one of the wallbangers of that fic series that Batman would not only tolerate but frequent a place like that.
