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Archived Discussion Main / UnknownPhenomenon

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

About the Doctor never encountering things he doesn't know: it's simply not true. To give just one example, he doesn't initially know that the Slitheen are from Raxacoricofallapatorius, and it takes him some time to deduce it. Neither does he know about the Beast from "The Satan Pit", or those who imprisoned it, or the planet thereof. Etc.

Does this trope really belong as a 'space is magic' concept? One of the fundamental truths of science is that we do not know everything, regardless of how much study and effort has been put into a topic. If anything this should default to a Justified trope every time it is used.

I'm a little confused as to what distinguishes this from the much better established Negative Space Wedgie. Can someone edit the description to clarify it?
