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Archived Discussion Main / Schmuckbait

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: The R&S example wasn't really Lampshade Hanging, because that was the whole point of the joke — but I'm not sure exactly what it was. `.`

Clover: Does that one really dark area in the beginning of Tales of the Abyss count? Luke (being an idiot) is warned repeatedly by the party, DO NOT SET THE BARRELS OF OIL ON FIRE. You have to do exactly that in order to get though it; I was very sad when he didn't consequently get yelled at.

Document N: Stupidity Is the Only Option maybe?

Fast Eddie: Pulled too-wide picture. Please see Administrative Policy.

Nate The Great: I still prefer the pic in the Troper Tales. Other opinions?

Mr Etaoin Shrdlu: Either one's fine. More importantly, how the hell is this a Sadness Trope?

Document N: Looks like it's not, now.
