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Janitor I'm pretty sure this does not go on the Continuity Editing index, but am unsure where to move it. Born in the Funny Papers, maybe?

BT The P: I think the person who did that was confused, and thought Continuity Editing meant editing the continuity.

Janitor Easy enough to do. I'll go with the funny papers thing...

Kendra Kirai: I did indeed think it was editing the continuity...whoops.

BT The P: An easy mistake to make for someone more familiar with the story/plot side of things than the technical. Reminds me of the old Issac Asimov method of telling chemists from tradesmen. He'd ask them to pronounce the written word "unionized". The tradesman would say union-ized, but the chemist would say un-ionized. The wiki is more story focused anyway, I just put in most of that editing stuff so it could be referenced in entries.

Susan Davis: Can someone give an example of this happening on TV?

Ununnilium: This is one of those ones where I know I've seen examples, but can't remember them. Hrm.

Kendra Kirai: The closest I can THINK of in TV is the Sorting Algorithm of Evil effect on Stargate SG-1. It's one of those tropes that SEEMS to happen a lot...but it really DOESN'T...but at the same time, it actually DOES. Examples will likely be few and farbetween...maybe it's a subset (or is a superset) of the Sorting Algorithm of Evil.

Ununnilium: ...huh? Wait, I think I see what you're saying - but the Sorting Algorithm of Evil is usually planned-out, or at least, created by an ongoing desire to have a Big Bad sending out the Monster of the Week. This is more like if they decided to get rid of the "Stargate" concept altogether, and used some kind of super-bomb to disable them all forever... and then, a couple seasons later, realized what a bad idea that was and retconned in "Wormgates" that worked almost but not quite the same, in order to get the original feel of the series back.

Red Shoe: I can kinda feel one coming in the next season of Battlestar Galactica, but, of course, it hasn't happened yet and the writers have surprised me often enough that I'm still giving them the benefit of the doubt. I guess bringing a villain back from the dead might count as the lightweight version. Actually, isn't this sort of a long-term reset button? — ooh, does Bobby stepping out of the shower count?

Ununnilium: It's a lot like a reset button, only not as clean. I'm not sure, since I haven't seen Dallas.

Gus The name of the entry is throwing me off. I expect it to be about hyper-accelerated time, rather than a reset/re-introduction of a plot device.

Ununnilium: Think of it as analogous to hyperspace, I suppose.

Gus: Sure. I can do that. It won't make me think about reseting/re-introducing plot devices, though. :~) The name doesn't work, especially for folks light on Comic Book thing-ies.

Dark Sasami: I agree, the name doesn't work. Is the appearance of *SPOILER* on last year's Doctor Who (are we allowed to talk about this frickin' show yet?) an example of this?

Gus: Gloves are off, in regard to series 1 of the latest Doctor Who.

Kendra Kirai: Well, you're welcome to change it, but I don't know what else could be used for it's's called Hypertime in The DCU. Or at least it was. They actually use that term in the comics. It's analogous to Hyperspace..multiple 'levels' of space in which certain physical laws may be different, except in the case of hypertime, it's certain timestreams...the various What If? and Elseworlds in one big ol' timestream. Just like Alternate Universes...but not, simply because DC said it's not.

Morgan Wick: If we can't think of any more TV examples this should be removed from Born in the Funny Papers. Considering how specific it is, if we can't find ANY other examples (which would not surprise me), it should be put on the Cut List.

Gus Clearly, it goes in Comic Book Tropes. I think Morgan is right that it hasn't escaped into the wild, yet. How's Hyper Revised Reality fit for a re-title? ... with a nod to DCU's Hypertime for the "hyper" bit?

Ununnilium: IMHO, it would be wiser to scrap the whole "Hypertime" title. Change it to something like "Version 2.0".

Ununnilium: Also, couple things. First, a Spoiler For Infinite Crisis So Skip To The Next Paragraph If You Don't Want To Be Spoiled: No, they didn't bring the Infinite Earths back permanently. Therefore, deleting it from article.

Second, we should have some way to mask spoilers. Some kind of <spoiler></spoiler> where you have to highlight it to see.

Third, I haven't read the Earth X trilogy, but are they replacing anything with these new ideas? Because if not, it's not a case of this trope.

Gus: OK, there is a new markup: [[spoiler:hide this text]] for spoilers. It works like THIS! you might expect.

Ununnilium: Oh, very nice. Test-adding it to my comment above... Ah, so it's capitalization-sensitive. `.`v

Kendra Kirai: No, the Earth X triology is apparently trying to replace the current status-quo with these revelations.

Kendra Kirai: Dang, I misread the first time. Yeah, they're trying to replace the current status-quo..the reason for Galactus, what the Celestials are apparently up to...what the various anthropomorphic representations of cosmic signifigance (Eternity, Infinity, The Living Tribunal, etc) are and what they're doing...the reason for mutations, the identities of beings like Thor..and the very reason for the Marvel Multiverse to exist. Big ol' conspiracy type deal that Marvel isn't sure they want to do anything further with, it would seem.

Ununnilium: Ah, I see. I guess that counts, then..

Some Sort Of Troper: Renamed to from Hypertime to Replacement Artifact based on this.
