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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Harpie Siren: I turned the "spoiler warning" into a spoiler tag, but having never read Runaways, I don't know what was a spoiler and what wasn't.

Kendra Kirai: It's not really much of a spoiler, considering that much of it is explained in the first or second issue. (Later) I removed the spoiler tag for Runaways. Considering it was all laid out in the first few issues of the first volume and is almost entirely explained at the beginning of every issue, the spoiler warning was kind of paranoid.

Yoshi348: From the article:

Animals: People with animal-based powers often look or act like that animal before they got the powers — or more frequently, like that animal is often used symbolically

I can't, for the life of me, figure out what that part after the — is supposed to mean.

Kizor: An owl guy might've previously looked birdlike and eaten raw mice, or he might've just been wise and thoughtful, as owls are often associated with wisdom.

Looney Toons: Case in point, the Vulture from Marvel was a skinny guy with a beak-like nose and a long neck before he ever put on a costume with wings.

RedBeardSean: ...and since owls have a very small proportion of their brain actually dedicated to things other than sight and instinct, they are not actually very bright birds; it's only the archetype of "owl" that is wise.

Seth: Vulture was also a corporate scavenger, stealing/taking over smaller companies (strong arming them to sign contacts ect) to keep his own going. Further to the vulture motif and summing up the second bit.

Harpie Siren: I've seen Cure Lemonade's intro speech rendered as "The effervescent scent of lemon"... Which makes the pun work a little better in English, but it makes her seem like a Lemon Pine-Sol commercial...
Glenn Magus Harvey: I have a feeling this is somewhat subjective. I understand the concept, but some of the judgement calls as to whether something is an example of this trope are pretty subjective. Like, I wouldn't associate Knuckles's gliding ability with his personality, for example.
Haven Took out this from under Heroes, because someone missed the joke (which made me laugh when I read it, so kudos to you, Heroes example person!)...

  • He can hear minds. As he's pointed out himself, Matt can only receive verbal information, not images. So his dislexia does (sort of) extend to his telepathy.

Tyhm: What about the ur-Chicken And The Egg? Why does "Sunny" mean Optimistic, why does "Mercurial" mean unpredictably changable? Could the definition of these terms come from the gods (and the gods took their personality from their broad portfolios), rather than the gods taking on the personality of their terms? Randomly assembled example, say Mercury's the god of Messengers, Heat, Lightning, and Peppers - so his personality is impatient, hyperactive and tempermental. Peppers get lumped in with this, and calling someone peppy means hyper - but peppers themselves aren't particularly hyperactive. Extend it to the egyptian sun-gods, and Sunny might not be an optimistic thing across the board...
