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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Loading Screens: From YKTTW

Jonny D: I though there were enough separate ideas to make it worth splitting the examples list to group similar examples together.

Adam850: How about loading screens that tell you exactly what the computer is doing? Loading models, loading textures, loading terrain, finding opponents, connecting to server... etc.

Octal: Sims 2 does that, sort of. When you start it up, it has those kinds of messages, except they say things like "Chlorinating Car Pools". They come in the same order every time, and change when you get a new expansion pack. There's a list of them here.

Adam850: Most of the Sim-something games mention "Reticulating Splines"

Theres something else, which I'm uncertain about putting into one of the existing catagories. Unless I'm totally missing the obvious. Theres various games, like Budokai Tenkaichi games and DMC 3 for instance, where you can interact with the loading screen in a very basic way. Does repeatedly pressing the same button and getting nothing but (at best) an increasing number out of it(that increases slower on its own anyway), really count as a minigame? ~ Konoko

SenatorJ: I don't know where else to mention this, but there's a trend of games (especially multiplayer FPS mods) putting useful gameplay information in their loading screens—and then forgetting to put it anywhere else! This means that if your computer loads quickly, you basically just miss out on the tips, some of which might actually be stuff that should be in the manual. It's very poor form.

Webrunner: Removed " The other form of loading screen is even more cleverly disguised in the griffin rides: You get to see what you're flying over." from World of Warcraft: this isn't a loading screen at all: it's just a travel method and you can walk the distance if you want.

Antheia: Planescape: Torment has gaming tips on the loading screen? Where?
