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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Yea first tried to launch this last weekend, but that was when the site was kinda wonky, managed to loose the YKTTW so if you had some good examples for it, I wasn't trying doing it out of spite or anything.

On another note, feel free to make predictions here or at my discussion page as to how long it will take before some one either complains about the spelling or attempts to fix the spelling with out realizing that (most of) it was intentional.


Duckluck: I know the spelling mistakes were intentional, but they still make it damn hard to read. Could we at leat fix the grammar mistakes? This page also has major Wall of Text issues and desperately needs a good pruning.

Frank75: Seconded. What about this: We leave the typoes in one paragraph and fix the rest?

The Bad Wolf: oh fix it up I wasn't against that, if its Wall of Text etc go nuts, i was just wondering how long until someone fixed it not getting the joke, frank75 your idea sounds great.

Pavlov: Jeez, that was a pain. Halfway through, I started getting the idea that it was on purpose but I've seen worse documents done professionally. And yes, the grammar mistakes are just over the top.

BT The P: I tell you, as a lifelong dysgraphia sufferer, I felt like the gods of software had smiled upon me when Firefox came out with the spell checker for web forms. It's cut my embarrassing typos down by like 80%. My handwriting is still borderline unreadable, but at least strangers on the internet will never know. Unless I, y'know, tell them. It's hard living with this, and it never really goes away. You need to be vigilant in proofreading and second-guess everything you write, it really slows down the process. When I was in elementary school, scratching out creative writing assignments by hand, my teachers all thought I was nothing special. Once I got a computer, and could type everything legibly and fix my spelling errors, they all thought I was brilliant. And my mom wonders why I'm so attached to computers; they made me feel smart again.

I'm lucky enough to have just the one learning problem; on the reading side, I actually process it so fast I finish 1000-page books in a few hours without skimming.

Air Of Mystery: Oh, shit, they were intentional? Bugger. Should I swap it back immediately, or what?

The Bad Wolf: yea BT The P cool to find another dysgraphic here, yea I wrote this by just not doing the fire fox spell check, guise that was a bit too far.

Drow Lord: Er... I'll repeat the above concern. I corrected about four spelling errors before noticing that last sentence. Should they be changed back (for effectiveness)?

Sinister Teddybear: BP, I feel exactly the same way about computers. and I'm sorry about nattering in article, that was careless of me —-

Hmmm, since the whole article is so morally superior, wannabe-informative, the "pack animals like foxes" is either the only funny part or it fits in badly.

Changed "foxes" into "wolves" since foxes aren't pack animals and it's just confusing.


Kriegsmesser: I'm disappointed that the trope's not called D is for Lysdexia.

The Grim Sleeper: Retarded Animal Babies Right?


The Grim Sleeper: I'm Dyslexic and I just spend 45 minutes decrypting that 21 INCH SCREEN-FILLING MONSTROSITY. WHERE'S MY PITCHFORK!


Hremsfeld: Anyone else think that's basically our version of a Very Special Episode?

Secretbison: tl;dr.
