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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

I'm confused. What exactly is this trope describing? Characters that are attractive to some people of the same sex? Shows that, for whatever reason, attract a homosexual fanbase? Gay characters? Shows that have a lot of Ho Yay? And why is it called Fan Yay? To me, that suggests something along the lines of people shipping fans of the show together or something...

  • I believe it's somewhat related to EvenTheGuysWantHim, only as it applies to an LGBT audience specifically - or more accurately, something that actually garners that specific audience, whether intentional or not, through some level of homoerotic or homoromantic, or even purely subtextual elements. This is probably more subtle than your average Trope, and definitely more fandom-related. It's an example of an unexpected audience.

Count Choculitis: That's more or less what I get from it too. It's the phenomenon of "straight" shows, movies and music (e.g. every larger-than-life diva ever) that unintentionally attract a significant gay and/or lesbian following (and may or may not respond by embracing that audience). It's really been a pretty common phenomenon, especially since overtly gay content for gay audience is a relatively recent development. The title definitely needs to be changed. Gay Following? Popular With The Gays?

puritybrown: If that is what the trope is about, most of the examples don't seem to fit.
