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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Madrugada: Not a duplicate of Tap on the Head. That is "Any blow to the head will knock out, but not kill the person struck". This is a specific setup, where the person is approached from the rear, their attention is gained in some way (usually by a tap on the shoulder or saying their name,) and as they turn they are struck in the face. It may or may not be a knock-out blow; as often as not it's merely the first punch in a Fight Scene.

Haven: For some reason, there's a ptitled duplicate of this trope. I didn't realize that wasn't the same page as this, so I made a few edits to that one (which I thought improved it), which I've replicated over here. The description should make Madrugada's point more clear, as I think the original description was a little too specific and easily confused with Tap on the Head. (Also, Dynamic Entry isn't necessarily comedic)
