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Archived Discussion Main / GlobalCurrency

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

But when a cataclysmic event throws you into an After the End future, you discover that in this Scavenger World, your Yen are as worthless as the paper they're printed on.

Morgan Wick: Trying hard to refrain from making a joke about Yen being worthless now...

Tulling: Took out this: "**Subverted, however in part three Morrowind, which plays on Vvardenfell, where Draken are used." because it is obvious that drake is an alternate name for the septim - it is called that because there is an image of the dragon that it the symbol of the Septim dynasty on it.

Hydro Globus: Took out this:
  • Dune used credits, though a briefcase of spice would probably be acceptable in many places.

because of a) Credits are only acceptable where the CHOAM has an influence (basically anywhere), b) the worth of credits are indeed subject to economy (for example, if the Spice harvest rates decrease, it indeed gets more expensive, and whoever stockpiled Spice gets a lot more wealthy, and c) because societies like the Fremen actually do not accept credits (they, for example, pay with water, which is understandable considering that they live on a Single-Biome Planet - and that is "desert".

Also tempted to pull the Naquadah half of the Stargate entry for basically the same reason (it is only accepted by whoever actually uses it, and isn't "spontaneously generated in shops" like Global Currencies should). However, I won't pull it - if anyone happens to agree with my points, please do it yourselves, you can be sure there is someone who actually agrees.
