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Archived Discussion Main / DramaticGunCock

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

The new material (below the original examples) may belong under *Click* Hello; I'm not sure where it fits best so left it here. — aaron at acephalo dot us

I seem to remember an excellent quote for the top of the page from that one movie where there's a sniper talking to a guy in a payphone and forcing him to come clean with his spouse and in other ways repent painfully on pain of death (I can't remember the title, sadly). Paraphrased, it was something like "Now, I could've easily cocked this gun long before you got here and before I made this call, but I didn't, I saved it for now. Why? Because that sound, the sound of me cocking that gun, is scary." Does anyone remember the name of the movie and possibly the actual line? — Brickman

Silent Hunter: I'm pretty sure that's Phone Booth, which is cited as an example here.

Concerning the home-defense shotgun dilemma: wouldn't the best course of action be to just fully load your shotgun, pump a round into the chamber, and then pump it again when meeting said would-be miscreants? Them hearing it, and likely also seeing that it is, indeed, loaded (as shown by the live round coming out the bottom), would likely be far more effective than either the wait-and-see or the just-in-case version. ~Hremsfeld

Assassins reference made me smile, thank you T Vtropes
