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Archived Discussion Main / DiscOneNuke

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Dark Sasami: I thought that this was going to be the Temporary Character that joins your party early on and is way overpowered for some reason, and then leaves, to come back either 1) greatly reduced in power, 2) when you catch up to his level, or 3) as an enemy. Coincidentally, this can lead to your situation, because you can sometimes steal his overpowered and/or overpriced gear before he leaves.

osh: That hadn't occured to me, yet seems like a great thing to add.

Ununnilium: Something like Guest-Star Party Member?

Shini I added the Baldur's Gate series exploits that I know of i.e: the reload from tutorial trick in the first game, and 'pause after gasp, then Inventory drop to keep items from game one' in the second.

Shini and I remember the Jailer Golem trick, let me add that.

Paul A: I'm just going to take the Star Control II anti-example and merge it with the corresponding entry at Low-Level Run.

Is the phrase 'Disc One Nuke' a reference to a specific game or just a general invented term?
