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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Commercial Trope: Coke Foam Collage: From YKTTW

Freakdood: Would the first season Bleach opening count as this? I'm a bit unsure myself, so I'll put it to the people.

BrightBlueInk: ...Is it weird that I actually really, really like this style?

  • ShyriaDracnoir Speaking as another fan, no it isn't. My opinion is that when done properly (much like textual Purple Prose), it can be really cool. However, it still needs a lot of skill on the artist's part to pull off, otherwise it looks like a mess.

Meta Four: Umm, was there a reason for deleting this example I added?

  • Casino Royale's opening credits had a few scenes of this, with a playing card theme.

Earnest: I was thinking the same thing, it's spot-on for this trope and is actually one of the Bond openings I most like. And no Bright Blue, I like this style too, it's just that sometimes it can go a bit... overboard.

cg12345: Tropes are supposed to be value-neutral though, yes? Putting it back.

Melloncollie: Is it just me, or is there too much "this troper" and the like on this page? Self-insertion needs to be edited out, yes?
