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Archived Discussion Main / CyberSpace

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Sometimes the gateway would be a mirror or book. A computer screen is both of these.

Seth: This has got to be one of the best lines in the wiki

Looney Toons: Then go enshrine it with the author's name (if that's still available) in Made Of Win.

Seth: The entry is to old unfortunately.

Andyzero: Well, if you trust me on my word for it, I was the one who wrote it.

Burai: I know, I know, "new items on the bottom". But in refutatio, it just seemed less clumsy to put the coiner at the top (though I put it second because it seems that Tron really established the idea, with Gibson just giving it a name).

It also seemed weird to refer to Snow Crash as an "early example" when it was published 10 years after both Tron and "Burning Chrome". Maybe my sense of expiration for "early" runs out faster than Joe Average, though.

Kiztent: That's true assuming you ignore Shockwave Rider and True Names and Other Dangers which both feature cyberspace in some form. As for Snow Crash, it is an early example because there weren't a lot of mentions of cyberspace following Neuromancer.

Ununnilium: Don't worry; IMHO, a Trope Maker entry should go at the top.

Fast Eddie: Pulled out ...

... as these are just names of series. They do nothing to illustrate the idea. I suppose they are instances of the cyberspace trope being used. // later ... rethought this. I suppose the interest is in just listing places where it has been used. I'll put these back, under a different header. // late still: Nevermind the different header. I just threw them back on the list. Series names as "examples" bug me. That is likely just a personal issue.

Seth: I never had a problem with it, especially when the series has its own page which would presumably explain the connection. Plus all of those ones were self explainatory for anyone who has heard of them since Cyber Space is a key part of their premise.

Ununnilium: Fleshed out the ones I had experience with. Really, is it that hard to just say "Hey, details please"?
