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Archived Discussion Main / ContinuityPorn

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

*Plenty of eighties Doctor Who stories began to suffer from this, but for the absolute nadir of the series, watch Attack of the Cybermen, or for a lesser but no less relevant example, Remembrance of the Daleks. Or rather, don't.
**People should definitely watch Remembrance as this troper needs the royalties.

You are Ben Aaronovich and I claim my ten pounds...

Lucid Seraph: Query. Whilst at Comicon, one of the editors of the current IDW Transformers series fielded a question about Beast Wars and G1 from a fan. Said fan asked if there would ever be a comic that explains the connection between BW and G1, and WTF happened between those two series. The editor (wisely) answered that he didn't like stories that existed SOLELY to patch holes in continuity. He said that if they visit that era and find that there's a good story in it (this troper thinks there might be) then they'll do it, but otherwise no because stories that just explain plotholes 1. suck and 2. nobody likes them. I kind of wanted to applaud the guy. THAT'S a good editor there. The query I have is: Is this a worthy example (counterexample?), or not?

Vampire Buddha: Removed some natter
