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Archived Discussion Main / ColourCodedForYourConvenience

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Burpcycle: I think we ought to change the name of the article to "Color Coded", since it would be more consistent with the rest of the site's article names and in any the trope namer is, itself, called that.

Cosmetor: Non-traditional color combinations such as black heroes vs. white villains aren't subversions. Ever since the '90s Anti-Hero trend, atypical color combinations are as typical as typical color combinations.

Andrew: Star Wars is an interesting example. While the Lightsabres were green/blue(/purple)=Good, red=Bad, the laser beams from the spaceships were the opposite; Rebel fighters fired red bolts, Imperial TIE Fighters had green. Can't remember if the hand-held blasters were the same.

Seth: How do you tell who to root for? Why, you look at what color the character is, of course!

This has so much potential to be misread :D

Ununnilium: Taking out:

  • Superman has had red eye-beams since the beginning, and Kryptonite is the original Green Rock.

...because, after all, Kryptonite comes in all sorts of colors — including red.

Mith: I don't think the Harry Potter eye color is a subversion. It's really on a different trope: green eyes = unusual, red eyes = evil.

Harley: I don't like how the same colours are in both the Good and Bad lists. It makes it confusing. Yes, I KNOW there was a red ranger, and Raphael had a red eyeband thing. The point is that Raphael was, while a good guy, also the most agressive of the turtles. And anti-heroes are also bad guys, even if they're on your team. It's more like you can tell somebody's PERSONALITY from their colours, not their team.

Anonymous: Why is it spelled "colour" when the Trope Namer is spelled "color" (no less "color-coded")?

HeartBurn Kid: Because a Brit created the article.

HeartBurn Kid: The entry on the Dragonlance wizards was way too much a Wall of Text, so I cut it down. Perhaps someone more concise can pick out some of the more relevant details and add them back in:

Outside the towers, the superstitious population may be more inclined to trust a White Robe than a Black Robe, but usually they distrust every wizard, going so far as burning one on the stake if they suspect him of evil doings. But there's no actual law that allows knights to execute every Black Robe on the spot. What's more, the three gods of magic who grant the wizards their more advanced powers seem to make sure no pretender dons a robe of a wrong colour. It's never explicitly stated, neither in the novels nor in the Dungeons And Dragons roleplaying game based on Dragonlance, that when a wizard changes his moral alignment and affiliation from one order to another that his wizardly robes will instantly change colour to reflect the inner change; but there are several scenes in the novels where this is at least implied (unless one wants to believe that all Dragonlance wizard carry around replacement robes of all three colours, complete with mystic runes, for just such an occasion). For example, the archmage Raistlin Majere started out wearing red robes, but when he went to The Dark Side the next time his companions see him he's clad in black. The opposite happened with Magius, a famous historical renegade wizard, who progressed through all three orders, starting with black robes, then red robes, wearing blue (as a renegade mage) in the interim, and then finally choosing the order of the White Robes shortly before his death. When the gloating Bad Guy had the tortured and broken body of Magius brought forward to show off his evil handiwork to the mage's best friend, the knight Huma, Magius was clad in white wizardly robes (albeit ripped and bloodspattered). It's more plausible to believe that the gods of magic granted Magius' wish and turned his robes white, rather than that the torturers conveniently had the robes of a white wizard just lying around in their dungeon and gave them to their prisoner out of the kindliness of their hearts. Thus, if you're a Dragonlance wizard, all it takes for a costume switch is a prayer.

Black Charizard: The first quote was quite long, so I shortened it. Here's the full version:
Miko: How can you be so certain it was evil, though? Are you not aware that there are dragons who live only to serve the greater good? Without proper training, it is nigh impossible to tell the good dragons from the evil ones. In your ignorance, you may have slain a powerful force for good in the world! What proof do you have that you did not vanquish a stalwart defender of the weak in your mad lust for treasure??
Roy: Ummm... its scales weren't all shiny?
Miko: Ah. Then its destruction was just and necessary.
Elan: Dragons: color-coded for YOUR convenience!
-Order of the Stick, strip #207

Midna: So why does this page use the wacky/perfectly ordinary (depending on your locale) British and Australian "colour" spelling instead of the perfectly ordinary/wacky (same parenthetical phrase as last time) "color" spelling? The Oot S quote uses the American spelling, so shouldn't the article as well?

Rule: I think that the spelling of the word should go according to whoever types it.

Rule: I edited the example for Code Geass, and I was wondering if that edit warrants a move to the "other color coded" section of the examples. I'm new at this, so I'm not really sure where it fits best.
