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Archived Discussion Main / ClarkKenting

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Algebra alert!

Cassius335: Pulled the following:

Tommy found out who the Rangers were in much simpler fashion than above: Rita told him, id'ing them by name and colour (in "Green With Evil, Part 1")

ralphmerridew re Sailor Moon, didn't Fish Eye manage to work out Usagi's identity on his own?

Sikon: Indeed, I forgot about that. He wasn't purposefully searching for Sailor Moon, though, he just ended up in Usagi's house by accident.


  • Many sillier kids shows do this to the point of parody; Wig Dress Accent and you're good to go, no matter what glaring characteristics are still visible:
  • Two words: Chicken Boo.
  • Mercilessly parodied in the Animaniacs short Chicken Boo.(...)

Unnecessary repetition, I'd say. Pulled out the first and shortest.

I always thought that Spidey actually WAS good at this sort of thing. Not only does he have the decency to use full-face mask, his two personas act so differently that I can easily buy nobody connecting the dots.
Gibbering Troper to ninjacrat: Thank you for cleaning up my addition regarding Superman's secret identity. I'll work on brevity. :)
Haven: Took this out, because it's referring to having a Secret Identity, not to the easy concealment of one, which is what this trope is about. And the Initiative guys really don't have one.
  • Referenced by name in Buffy's "Hush":
    Forrest: We have a gig that would inevitably cause any girl living to think we are cool upon cool. Yet, we must Clark Kent our way through the dating scene, never to use our unfair advantage... thank God we're pretty.

Bud0011:Pokemon is listed twice.
