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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Robert: Contrary to the cutlist, this isn't Church Militant. That's when the church as a whole is like this. However, it's not much of a page either.

Servbot: Church Militant also covers individuals (see: Braindead and Trigun examples). Not worth splitting.

Robert: It's splittable. There's a big difference between an entire church fighting holy war and a lone preacher who is acting against type. The page needs several more examples though. Otherwise, it should be lumped in with the other Bad Ass tropes, not with Church Militant.

Servbot: Ah, so these individuals have the appearance of a Church Militant, but their actions are frowned upon by their Church?

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: I have edited this entry to make clear it's not Church Militant. Hope this helps.

Caswin: What's this about fundamentalists overlapping with Church Militant? Last I checked, whether or not you follow them yourself, most fundamentalist belief systems (fictional or otherwise) don't hinge on laying down the law through violence.

I think that reverend Ray from Call of Juarez would make a much more kick-ass picture for the page. Especially from the cover of the game.

Melloncollie: From what I've seen it's usually Catholics who invoke this, but why is it that Protestants other than Anglicans can't be Badass Preachers? Also, from my understanding, preachers/priests/pastors/reverends aren't technically the same thing (not all religious leaders have to preach), but this is probably nitpicking.

Melloncollie: Also, does the Alexander Anderson example fit? The section of the Vatican that he belongs to is definitely Church Militant.

Brutal: Isn't the quote from Father Grigori incorrect? I just played the game and he quite clearly says: "Ah, what is this, another life to save?"
