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Archived Discussion Main / AccentuatetheNegative

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


  • Objection! He had a very outspoken love of homeopathy. No, he wasn't into it himself, but felt it was such a wonderful system for weeding out those gullible enough to believe in that sort of thing. It's natural selection in action!
    • Overruled. Word of God (okay, Act of God) declared Mencken guilty of being an insufferable bastard and struck him down, leaving him with a huge stroke that meant he could not speak for the last decade or so of his life. Cue Irony.

  • This, of course, doubles the shock the one time he admits that he doesn't have anything bad to say about a certain game.
  • Most recently, he praised Call of Duty 4 for balancing story and gameplay together and that it (mostly) deserved the praise form the media.
  • Don't forget Psychonauts, like roughly 79% of the gaming public did! Well, Yahtzee liked it, anyway. Of course, then he spends 40% of that review calling you a cocksucker and tricking you into hurting your hand for not buying it, another 20% bashing Halo and anyone that plays it (which he does in pretty much every review), and another 20% complaining that there aren't more original IP like this.
  • Actually, he seems to like unique IP in general, which is probably why he admited to liking No More Heroes, Killer7, and Earthbound. Even if the the games have problems, he thinks they're still worth playing because they're like nothing else.

Conversation In The Main Page.

And let's not turn this page into an example of itself, okay?

Bob: I wish to argue that my original post of:

  • This, of course, doubles the shock the one time he admits that he doesn't have anything bad to say about a certain game.

Isn't Conversation In The Main Page but a valid point. I would like to put it back into the article, with the "anything" emphasized to ensure that there are no further comments such as the one following it. However, I will leave this judgment in your hands, Great One.

Ununnilium: I see what you mean, but the thing is, I think the "There are some games..." part in there now already covers that material in a wider manner.

That Other 1 Dude: Removed

  • Plenty of radical feminist critiques of popular culture can be more than a little... caustic. Take A Rapist's View of the World: Joss Whedon and Firefly, for example.
    _allecto_: "I feel awful for Joss Whedon's wife. From what I've read about him and the interviews I've watched, I'm fairly certain that he rapes his wife and abuses her in various other ways."

That's not as much "incredible negatism" as "straight-up bullshit"

grendelkhan: Being offended isn't a reason to pretend that it doesn't fit the trope. Plenty of people get offended at John Solomon (I'm pretty sure at least one Dominic Deegan fan has referred to his work as the equivalent of "straight-up bullshit"), but he absolutely fits. Likewise, there's a long history of radical feminist criticism of popular culture which comes off as incredibly negative. I put the example back in, though without the quote, as that is, I think, a bit much. Do you think that makes a better compromise? (I can see why we wouldn't want to have blatant libel in here, even if we're just quoting someone.)

That Other 1 Dude: The rewrites fine; I just don't want a review that accuses some of being a rapist to be thought of as "focusing on the negative aspects"

Rebochan: We don't need three quotes to open a page. I cut it down to the one I thought best matched the theme of the page, then cut that down to stay on focus. Here are the other two in case someone else feels otherwise:

The cynic is one who never sees a good quality in a man and never fails to see a bad one. He is the human owl, vigilant in the darkness and blind to the light, always pursuing vermin and never hunting noble game.
Henry Ward Beecher

The scene's about the characters, and it's a nice scene, but I'm not here to accentuate what's nice.
D. R. McLeod, Agony Booth recaps, Hulk (2003)

grendelkhan: Which is why we have the Quotes Wiki. Zoom!

"Portal of Evil. It seems to have started off as a list of "weird" things on the Internet, but has evolved to the point where "If it is listed, we hate it."

Counterpoint: Ulillillia, Dan Lacy and a handful of others have been listed as exhibits but are generally well-liked and in some cases admired by the general userbase.
