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Archived Discussion Literature / SixteenthirtyTwo

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Evil Midnight Lurker: I preemptively used Mike Stearns' big revolutionary speech quote for the Connecticut Yankee page. Now that this page exists, I'm thinking of putting it here instead, but it'd be nice to have something to take its place over on Con-Yan... any ideas?

Otterylexa: There's a duplicate page at SixteenThirty-Two.
Sciatrix: Removed the Deep South link. Grantville is originally located in West Virginia, which is by no means the Deep South. It's not even the South by the most all-encompassing definition of the region (i.e., states on the side of the Confederacy during the Civil War), because West Virginia split from Virginia as a whole during the Civil War specifically because the area didn't want to support secessionists. Having lived in both Virginia itself and Georgia, I can assure any interested tropers that there is indeed a difference between Appalachian culture and Southern culture.
J: I'm removing the Moral Dissonance example; the protagonists never demonstrate a love for summary execution.

Shay Guy: "We won't arrest you or try you, we'll just kill you on sight, that's the way we do it and dammit, we're proud of it"? This sound familiar? Let me quote directly: "IF YOU TRY TO HARM OR ROB ANYBODY WE WILL KILL YOU. THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER WARNING. WE WILL NOT NEGOTIATE. WE WILL NOT ARREST YOU. YOU WILL SIMPLY BE DEAD." Among other points. Maybe not love, but certainly pride.

Nohbody: On the other hand, once the immediate problem of a gut reaction of righting a wrong (and I doubt anyone will seriously argue that disemboweling a guy to torture out the location of a nonexistent treasure stash qualifies as right or acceptable) that was happening right then, they worked with the closest thing to a legal authority in the area to make law enforcement more than a bunch of rednecks warning off the next bunch of maurauding jerkasses.

J: I'm not denying that they did perform (and threaten) summary executions as an immediate response to the situation they found themselves in. However, they did so not out of love for or pride in the act, but out of necessity, and as Nohbody pointed out, as soon as the necessity had passed, they stopped performing summary executions. (on the protagonists' part, anyway. Given the time period, I imagine there are plenty of summary executions happening elsewhere in the world.)

Davies: Evidently, I was wrong.
