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Archived Discussion LightNovel / DirtyPair

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Denis Moskowitz: "Schoolgirl Lesbians"? Is there any evidence that Kei and Yuri are romantically involved? They seem to be competitive over men more than anything else.

Looney Toons: Don't know who entered that. What little DP I've seen supports your assertion. At the most they may have one of those intense, "Too bad we're not gay!", friendships. <grin>

//Some very vocal people in the fandom perceive a distinctly Xena-ish subtext in some of the Dirty Pair anime, some don't. I call it fanwanking, but I do the same thing with other non-canon couples in other anime, so who am I to judge?

Ununnilium: I'd definitely have to agree here, though; Kei and Yuri are at the bottom of the Possibly Gay list, somewhere near Bill Cosby in I Spy.

YYZ: That doesn't stop the speculation - a good three-fifths of the Fan Fic I've found implies at least a HINT of Xena/Gabrielle subtext. I think it's necessary to acknowledge the Fanwank, even if it needs to be made clear that it's not entirely canon.

Ununnilium: Perhaps there should be a separate category for these aren't-gay-but-seem-like-they-should-be partnerships. I've heard Youre Under Arrest referred to the same way.

Binaroid: Sit Sexuality and Ho Yay help explain it, but you're right. Maybe Heterosexual Life-Partners, a la Jay & Silent Bob?

Kendra Kirai: It's far more common in anime, as far as I can tell. Maybe something from an anime for the name...

Binaroid: Nothing coming to mind here. Incidentally, the Buddy Cop Show entry also mentions this phenomenon in western shows and their fandoms (Starsky And Hutch, for example).

Morgan Wick: A fan and a comic book writer sound off on the topic.

YYZ: Ununnilium had the right idea; I went with Heterosexual Life-Partners for the title.

s5555: While Kei and Yuri have a reputation of blowing up stuff on whatever they land on, doesn't the reputation of blowing up the most stuff on whatever they land on belong to Samus Aran?
