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Reviews VideoGame / Xenoblade Chronicles 1

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blitzsquirrel Since: Dec, 1969
09/18/2011 19:29:40 •••

Xenoblade Chronicles: It just keeps being good

I really enjoyed Xenoblade. I went in with some assumptions about what type of game I was playing, from prior experience with JRP Gs in general and, more pertinently, prior Xeno- titles. I wasn't wrong on all counts, but Xenoblade Chronicles was a refreshingly original and well-planned story that kept me guessing and sucked up over 100 hours for my first play.

Let's break it down a bit.

Story: Loved it. The game moves through and between different story archetypes, blending enough to remain cogent while switching gears and tones enough to stay fresh and original. Characters' motives are plausible and relatable, and the writing is tight, making the world and its inhabitants believably belong together. What really deserves praise here, above simply being an enjoyable and high-quality tale, is that it just. . . keeps. . . going. The end credits could have rolled at about 60% through the game and I would have thought it was a fine story with good pacing, well-explored ideas and characters, and of a normal and satisfying length. That the game CONTINUES twisting everything I thought I knew on its head, several more times over, was really impressive. There were a few odd sequences and overly-conventional JRPG moments/elements, which detract from the whole, but only a little. 9.5/10

Visuals: The graphics suffer quite a bit when compared to PS 3/360 titles, but Xenoblade makes up for it with a lush and expansive landscape with an identity of its own that never gets repetitive or boring. This game is the best argument for "art trumps graphics" I have seen yet. So much work was put into the design and it pays off. Armor models display on characters during cutscenes. The downside? Each character has only 4 or 5 standard models for "Light", "Medium", and "Heavy" armor, and all the specific items are just palette swaps therein. Frustratingly, this means that "Titan Gauntlets" (or anything else) on one character look nothing at all lie the same item on another character. 9/10

Sound: Beautiful score. Just plain amazing. Also, all cutscenes are fully-voiced by some very well-cast and well-performed actors. 9/10

Replayability: There's a New Game Plus, but you get TOO MUCH of an advantage (all levels, skills, and endgame equipment, plus a 100% crit rate weapon) and no real new content.

Overall: Absolute must-play. 9.5/10

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