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Reviews Videogame / Doom 2016

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CrippleNinja Since: Feb, 2012
07/27/2016 04:53:41 •••

Rip and Tear

The game starts you killing pretty much right off the bat and it doesn't stop.

It's a nice throwback, with large expansive maps, key hunting, high mobility, no regenerating health and no reloads. All in all it's kind of Star Wars VII, with all the same notes of Mars and Hell, demons and guns returning with shiny new graphics, and a plot that takes place with minimal bearing on all the killing.

I rather liked the game. Most people do, and I'm just pissing in the stream. But I wanted to like the game, even before hearing the reviews. For old-school Doom fans, it's a faithful retread of the original and definitely does better than Doom 3.

As an introduction to new players and especially people who don't like classic first-person shooters, it might be weird to have shift not be sprint but to walk. Or not having reloads. But it's a competent shooter and id really knows there stuff. Bethesda did good work in publishing it and it seems to have minimal issues.

But what really added to the experience for me, and even if I didn't grow up with classic shooters, being born in the mid-90's and thus consuming games of the 00's and 10's, it felt natural with the modern sensibilities, and the old-school stuff wasn't alienating. The secrets and easter eggs were nice since I knew about the source material enough, and the menu is quite expansive, having the option to disable a lot of things, like objective markers and interaction prompts. All the bonus challenges also add to the replay value. That's more nostalgia bait and it was nice to be able to organically explore rather than following a floating marker, though it was also nice to be able to turn it on if I got lost. They also released an update to put the gun model in the center of the screen to please the hardcore old-school fans who don't like change and can't accept anything different, but I haven't bothered. People seem to dislike the glory kills, and the fact you can pull it off on any enemy is kind of the main issue but personally it adds to the effect, with that lovely visceral punch and how fast it is (which can be upgraded with in game items). The story is token, but the fluff text and world-building actually is quite well done and the small details really add depth.

Multiplayer everyone hated but I thought it was pretty fun and fast, and I do surprisingly well, though hack modules and random unlocks is kind of an ass. But the visuals and soundtrack as well as sound effects all work beautifully and the player has a lot of freedom in disabling some aspects, such as the glory kill or interaction highlight and prompt, which is nice.

Overall it's pretty fuckin' good with minor nitpicks here and there (the biggest being load times). If you like FPS games or DOOM, it's definitely worth it by the campaign alone, and the multiplayer and Snap Map, while kinda meh, are just icing on the bloody hell cake. I can't wait for any sequels.

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