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Reviews Theatre / Sera Myu

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crackmentos Since: Jul, 2010
04/06/2016 10:19:40 •••

Sailor Moon S - Usagi - Ai no Senshi e no Michi

The Good:

  • Some awesome songs came out of this show - "Solar Miracle Make Up!", "Stay Alone", "Tuxedo Mission", and "Chou Bi! Uranus to Neptune" stand out to me as some of the best.
  • The costumes are generally improved from Gaiden (with the exception of the Serenity dress).

The Bad:

  • Hoo boy. This show was severely hamstrung by its timing. Only about 16 episodes of the Infinity Arc had aired by the time the musical was performed (ergo, there were even fewer when the show was written), and the manga was nowhere near the end of the arc, either. The writers didn't have much to work with, and it shows. It never feels like there is much of anything happening.
  • The novelty of the flying wears off really quickly, to the point where it's just annoying by the end.
  • The Serenity dress is still hideous, and the Death Mannetjes' outfits are

The Meh:

  • The ending. I can appreciate that they were going for a theme of fighting with love rather than hate, but the Death Busters are pretty clearly still a threat and have no intention of changing their ways, which leaves everything at a draw. It's not executed well enough for me to feel strongly about it one way or another.

The Kaiteiban: Sadly, its follow up, Henshin - Super Senshi e no Michi was never released on video, so we may never know what, if any, alterations were made beyond the presence of Sailor Pluto and Super Sailor Moon.

Final Thoughts: If you don't go into this expecting a faithful adaptation and are ready to turn your brain off for some '90s cheese, then you'll be fine. This show is very flawed in ways that are otherwise difficult to ignore, and will not satisfy fans who are looking for a solid adaptation of the Infinity Arc.

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