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Reviews WesternAnimation / The Adventures Of Figaro Pho

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DrNoPuma [[VideoGame/{{Figment}} The Black Hog]] (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded)
[[VideoGame/{{Figment}} The Black Hog]]
01/21/2016 13:56:19 •••

Season 2 - Mixed feelings

Please note that I don't live where this show is shown on TV. If not for Netflix, I never would have known about this gem! I started watching Season 1, and I loved everything about it, from the animation, the characters, the soundtrack, even the premise itself! It's a very charming series about A Boy and His Dog as the boy overcomes his various phobias in hilarious ways. I loved how the show focused on Figaro and Rivet's personalities, with other characters only occasionally stopping by.

I was excited when Season 2 was added to Netflix, but after watching a few episodes... I'm not sure.

The show still focuses on Figaro and Rivet, but introduces a bigger cast of recurring characters. Also, rather than most of the series taking place at Figaro's house, Figaro now spends more time out in town. The part that bothers me is that, for the most part, they ditched the whole story about Figaro conquering his fears. Now it's mainly just about him and the other characters doing other things. However...

Despite being different from the older episodes, the new episodes are still very entertaining. I'm also very glad that the creators did not change Figaro and Rivet's personalities.

The new characters, although unnecessary, are somewhat likable too, but the majority of the entertainment comes from the 2 main characters.

Also if the animation wasn't great already, it has improved even further in this season, to the point that it could easily pass as a feature film.

For those interested in this show, just one warning: It contains quite a few Gonky characters (although they are seen as ugly In-Universe) and Toilet Humor. If that sort of thing bothers you, this may not be the show for you. Otherwise, give this show a try! It really Needs More Love.

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