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Reviews Film / X Men Days Of Future Past

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countotaku Since: Mar, 2013
07/12/2015 10:58:20 •••

Overrated & Overhyped

Let's get this outta the way first. I dislike Bryan Singer's X-Men films.To me, they're bastardization of the comics I grew up reading, even the dated 90s cartoon was a more faithful adaptation compared to their live-action counterparts. My main issue is these films are too bland and average and far too reliant on Wolverine, with everyone else being relegated to side characters( especially Cyclop,POOR Cyclops),its these reason that I never refer to these films as simply X-men but rather Bryan Singer's X-Men.The only film that actually feels like a true adaptation of X-Men was First Class,which was mostly due to Vaughn's sharp direction(kudos for proving X-Men films can work WITHOUT Wolverine) despite some glaring character issues.

Now with all that said and after rewatching it, what is my final conclusion of this film? A giant resounding "MEH". The status quo has been restored and not for the better and once again, this film requires Wolverine to get the ball rolling despite the fact that there are infinitely more interesting characters with cooler powers that could pull it off plotwise.

Despite decent performances from most of the main cast,I found some of the characters thoroughly lacking,chief among them being Fassbender's Magneto,who has been downgraded to a straight up 2d villain instead of the great three dimensional anti-hero from First Class. However,Jennifer Lawrence's second turn as Mystique is actually the film's weakest link(even more so than Halle Berry), heavily phoning it in despite being a key player in the plot. Another fact that annoys me is how her powers are for some reason link to the future sentinels' creation(how 'bout Rogue's),plus her original/blue form is less scaly and merely looks like Lawrence in blue paint simply to cash in on Lawrence's popularity.

strejda Since: Dec, 2012
12/31/2014 00:00:00

About Magneto: Why is him wanting to kill bunch of politicians who were going to (indirectly or not) cause deaths of milions so much worse, than killing hundreds of innocent soldiers (or trying to kill THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE in X-Men 2), Yes, he tried to kill Mystique but again, to save milions of people. And the Magneto we see in the future is easily the most sympathetic one in all of the movies.

Why does it annoy you? It's such a minor thing and it makes Sentinels more acceptable for the movies.

I think it makes sense. At the end, we see Mystique impersonating as Stryker, planning to do something with Wolverine, so obviously Wolverine/Stryker stuff changed as well. No Stryker, no dead Jean, no Dark Phoenix.

I'm not trying to be rude, it's cool if you dislike the movie, I'm just making a case for it.

strejda Since: Dec, 2012
12/31/2014 00:00:00

Also: Since the mutant/human relations seem to have changed for the better, that means no need for the mutant cure from The Last Stand.

countotaku Since: Mar, 2013
02/28/2015 00:00:00

@TT 454,and yet.....none of my complains really matches this guy's initial nitpicks about the X-men,so my point still stands. I get that filmmakers are trying to trim down the source material to make it accessible to casual moviegoers but there's doing it right(Raimi's Spiderman) and there's tuning something exciting into total dullfests(X-men films) . Also, using audience and box office statistics to back up claims that people shouldn't bitch about the quality of a movie when it makes money is complete and utter asinine because let's face it, casual moviegoers will watch anything as long as they are familiar with the brand, just ask Origins Wolverine and the Transformers films.

TT454 Since: May, 2014
02/28/2015 00:00:00

Well, personally I agree with Buckley. Comic book movies don't need to be exactly like the comic, they just need to feature the superheroes in the comic. Like Buckley said, comic book movies aren't for comic book fans, they are for people who just want to see a movie about superheroes. So, it doesn't matter if the movie has changes, because it's not trying to BE the comics, it's inspired by the comics. The same argument can be made for the Harry Potter movies. So many fans of the books still refuse to like the films because they tweaked aspects of them and left stuff out, failing to realise that the movies are made just to entertain people who like Harry Potter and the casual readers who want to see the books they liked in visual form, and not the hardcore people who memorise every last detail of the books and over-analyse it. Even me, a huge fan who loves the books and is guilty of analysing them a bit too much, loves the movies too.

XenosHg Since: Oct, 2013
02/28/2015 00:00:00

Well, there are so many vastly different parallel marvel sub-universes, that "faithful adaptation" isn't as much of a concern. Practically everything has already been done before, and if it hadn't, then it's nice to see something maybe not new, but less predictable. Or "less canon", maybe. (Except for shocking Havok re-design from First Class.) As long as it looks cool!

You know, like that joke about Sphynx Riddle and Pokemon. "-Yeah, you're right, one of them must change the number of its legs when evolving, there is a thousand of them. You can be excused for not remembering each and every one."

Also, in my opinion, Cyclops is so much of an insufferable hero, that he never even once was sympathetic. Well, Wolverine is often a bastard, all right, but Cyclops.. yeah, MEH :)

(And I'm not trying to insult anyone, or to start a holy war, or anything. I mention this just because English is not my native language and I somehow end up breaking some rules with every single one of my messages.)

jakobitis Since: Jan, 2015
03/01/2015 00:00:00

Film adaptations should NEVER be straight up, line for line remakes of the original medium, otherwise what is the point? X-Men the comic has way too much continuity to fit into a film without a LOT of exposition.

As for the time travel thing, it's pretty much the butterfly effect in four dimensions. Little changes in one thing change other things, which change other things, etc. Explaining EXACTLY what has changed and why would be just dull to me; Cyke and Jean alive again, Rogue back to having powers and Xavier back in his original body answers the three major complaints most people had about Last Stand, fans and casual viewers alike.

The character stuff I will grant you purely because it's subjective so I have no right to tell you you're wrong, though I happen to disagree. I do think Wolverine was nothing more than a spectator in the end anyway so hardly stealing focus. He was just there to get the plot going.

"These 'no-nonsense' solutions of yours just don't hold water in a complex world of jet-powered apes and time travel."
phylos Since: Nov, 2013
07/12/2015 00:00:00

Calling something overrated is always stupidly self-defeating, the statement becomes false the moment it is written so usually I don't even bother pretending that people who say that are actually making sense, and you aren't.

Specially in the last paragraph of this review, WTF? How does "deleting bad movies" from continuity or not reflects well or poorly on this movie?

Ok, it doesn't delete them, so what? Ok it does delete them... so what? That was a really weird complain, I don't even begin to understand how that made sense in your head.

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