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Reviews FanficRecs / Lunatic

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blindpoet Since: Jun, 2013
09/27/2013 07:53:43 •••

No. Not one to read.

For one... the premise makes no sense. Timber Wolf being affected by the moon phases, destroying things in that time, all that? That makes /no sense/, given the series. Yes, he's wolf-like (obviously, given his name), but he's not a /werewolf/. There are werewolves in the DC universe, that's not accurate at all. Even if his Dad was hoping to make him similar to those creatures (which is plausible, perhaps?), why on earth would you design him that way? The whole 'moon' aspect part of a werewolf, in addition, is more ~mystical~ based, versus science, so I don't know if he even COULD replicate that. There wouldn't be any reason to, if he could.

In short, the entire premise of this very short fic doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

There's more, though. The rest of the Legion not knowing? Again, doesn't make sense. If they've been together so long that Cosmic Boy is back (which was mentioned briefly, so I'm forced to assume this takes place between the Cosmic-Boy-returning episode, and the finale of the first season, unless this is season two, in which this makes it make /even less sense/), then he's been with the legion for quite a bit now. Every full moon they're miraculously not busy, no missions off of earth, no patrols, no nothing? Brainy's not the leader, he doesn't determine who does what, if people didn't know, then he could be assigned willy-nilly with no control over it. Second, why on earth would Brainiac 5 keep it a secret? This is /important information/. People could get HURT. It doesn't sound as though he's confined to a room or anything (given he was able to cause damage to the /Foundation/), and that's /really dangerous/. If he's out of control to the extent that even HE doesn't know what damage he caused, why hasn't anyone found him yet when he's in this state? Why hasn't he hurt anyone?

/The lack of caution shown here doesn't make sense/. Yes, you can have secrets in the Legion. Secrets that will lead to other people being HURT? No! Especially given that Brainiac 5 knows! He is smart enough to recognize the utter danger that this shows (at very minimum, if he isn't going to tell anyone, he should be confined to a sound-proof, extremely tough room where he can't break anything, though he really should at least mention it to Lightning Lad), and would say something!

Well-written, but makes no sense at all.

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