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2nd Sep '10 at 12:32:38 PMDelShiftB
line 5 changed to:
* [[{{Paranoia}} \"Friend citizen, it appears you have some blood on your hand. That is above your clearance level, and you will be summairly executed for trason.\"]]
* [[Paranoia \
2nd Sep '10 at 12:32:29 PMDelShiftB
line 1 changed to:
Some works want to show how brutal a given regime by giving out the DeathPenalty as if they were candy. Usually, it\'s some PoliceState, {{Dystopia}} or some other extreme setting.

Examples include:
* Backstory of VideoGames/RocketRanger -- seemingly minor infractions by misusing the rocket pack is punishable by death.
* [[Paranoia \"Friend citizen, it appears you have some blood on your hand. That is above your clearance level, and you will be summairly executed for trason.\"]]
Some works want to show how brutal a given regime by giving out the DeathPenalty as if they were candy. Usually, it\'s some PoliceState, {{Dystopia}} or some other extreme setting.

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