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(current version)
9th Jul '13 at 02:59:46 PMTerrie
line 1 changed to:
{{YMMV/TheLoneRanger}} has had a lot of back and forth edits on the issue of the casting and portrayal of Tonto. I\'ve made several removals based primarily the presence of discussion one the main page, but I\'m worried that because I have my own view on the topic that I\'m not able to be completely evenhanded. Could a moderator take a quick look at the edit history and and just make sure everyone (including me) is not letting their personal views getting in the way.
[[YMMV/TheLoneRanger]] has had a lot of back and forth edits on the issue of the casting and portrayal of Tonto. I\'ve made several removals based primarily the presence of discussion one the main page, but I\'m worried that because I have my own view on the topic that I\'m not able to be completely evenhanded. Could a moderator take a quick look at the edit history and and just make sure everyone (including me) is not letting their personal views getting in the way.

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