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1st May '24 at 10:22:23 AManimuacid
line 3 changed to:
A character has a pillow with the words "yes" and "no" printed in each side and pulls it up when she feels too lazy to answer simple questions.
A character has a pillow with the words "yes" and "no" printed in it and pulls it up when she feels too lazy to answer simple questions.
1st May '24 at 10:21:43 AManimuacid
line 5 changed to:
Searching in google, I found from [[ this Reddit comment]], that kind of pillow has naughty implications of ReadyForLovemaking, but that's not how it's being used in this example.
Searching in google, I found from [[ this Reddit comment]], that kind of pillow has naughty implications of ReadyForLoveMaking, but that's not how it's being used in this example.

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