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28th Mar '23 at 03:06:08 AMParkway
line 1 changed to:
So the protagonist has to move to this school for spies after something happens to his parents or something. He's descended from great spies so he has natural talent for it. There were some fantasy elements to it too. Like some sort of knife that never misses a target and the MC's best friend was like a werewolf or angel or something. I remember the title of the first book was an acronym for the school's name. Its been a really long time so my memory of it is really vague.
So the protagonist has to move to this school for spies after something happens to his parents or something. He's descended from great spies so he has natural talent for it. There were some fantastical elements to it too. Like some sort of knife that never misses a target and the MC's best friend was like a werewolf or angel or something. I remember the title was an acronym for the school's name.

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