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23rd Mar '12 at 03:02:19 AMGodnat
line 5 changed to:
->\'\'\'Alice\'\'\': \"Emperor Evulz is a threat to the whole world. After Troperia you\'ll be next!\"
->\'\'\'Arrogant old elvish councilor\'\'\': Evulz poses no threat to us.
Six months later.
->\'\'\'Arrogant old elvish councilor\'\'\': [[OhCrap Well, f***]].
->\'\'\'Alice\'\'\': \
23rd Mar '12 at 02:58:01 AMGodnat
line 1 changed to:
Do we have a trope for when someone (a group or a single character) refuse to choose sides in a conflict despite the fact the conflict will obviously inevitably swallow them up at some point.

It could go something like:

->\'\'\'Alice\'\'\': \"Emperor Evulz is a threat to the whole world. After Troperia you\'ll be next!\"
->\'\'\'Arrogant old elvish councilor\'\'\': Evulz poses no threat to us.
Six months later.
->\'\'\'Arrogant old elvish councilor\'\'\': [[OhCrap Well f***]].
Do we have a trope for when someone (a group or a single character) refuse to choose sides in a conflict despite the fact the conflict will obviously inevitably swallow them up at some point.

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