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diddyknux (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#106776: Apr 11th 2024 at 1:43:03 AM

I hope Nika-like Punch is as awesome as it was in the manga.

I still want to see Bonney use Nika-like Punch again now that she knows Nika is real, too. Honestly, the dream is a Luffy-Bonney combo attack, but I don't know if that's asking for too much.

dragonfire5000 from Where gods fear to tread Since: Jan, 2001
#106777: Apr 11th 2024 at 7:27:51 AM

Speaking of punches, I've always hoped that when they get to the moment where Kuma punches Saturn, they'll animate it in the style of Luffy punching Charloss.

diddyknux (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#106778: Apr 11th 2024 at 8:29:55 AM

Stupid Microsoft Store and your stupidly specific compatibilities. I would love to give you money to be able to watch these dub episodes now, but no, you obviously don't want it enough.

AegisP Since: Oct, 2014 Relationship Status: And they all lived happily ever after <3
#106779: Apr 11th 2024 at 3:43:02 PM

I thought O.O.C. Is Serious Business couldnt have examples that astounded me at this point in the game but these did.

  • At one point in the Alabasta arc, Vivi says three words to Crocodile: "I'll Kill You!". Mind you, this is coming from a young princess who is such a Nice Girl that she can't stand the idea of a single person dying in a war.
  • When Luffy points out the very harsh, but necessary truth that it's naïve to hope that all people involved in a war will survive, Nami gets angry at Luffy for being so blunt and not considering Vivi's feelings. It's extremely telling that Sanji is the one to tell Nami to shut up and not cut off Luffy. Usually, he would never show agreement with his male crewmates if he can please his female crewmates instead, but in this situation, he apparently agreed with Luffy so much that he was willing to let it slide or thought that Vivi needed to hear it.
  • When Robin encounters Tashigi's squad of Marines in Alabasta, one of the Marines mentions how Robin destroyed six ships as a young girl, which is why she got a 79 million berry bounty at the age of eight. Robin, who'd been rather stoic up to this point, then becomes furious, since it later turns out that the entire story behind her bounty was nothing but a lie told to justify hunting down the only survivor of Ohara. In reality, the destroyed ships were a combination of Saul destroying some ships trying to save Robin, and Akainu sinking a ship full of civilians.

Discord: Waido X 255#1372 If you cant contact me on TV Tropes do it here.
AegisP Since: Oct, 2014 Relationship Status: And they all lived happily ever after <3
#106780: Apr 11th 2024 at 3:48:30 PM


Edited by AegisP on Apr 11th 2024 at 3:49:03 AM

Discord: Waido X 255#1372 If you cant contact me on TV Tropes do it here.
diddyknux (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#106781: Apr 12th 2024 at 3:14:14 AM

Catching up on One Piece episodes. I forgot how much I was laughing my butt off at Kaku, and its still just as funny the second time.

One thing I really liked about Enies Lobby is those scenes of CP 9 just hanging out - first in Spandam's office before the Water 7 group arrived, and then the whole team while Kaku and Kalifa were eating their Devil Fruits. With the exception of Lucci, their interactions and comedy really do have Straw Hat vibes. We see a touch of that here - Kaku is just as excited as the Straw Hats were by all the future stuff. And the hologram monster! [lol]

Oh man, 1100 was so good. I can't get enough of the bit where Lucci goes "This is gonna be fun" , only to get a shocked face as the music cuts out and we see Luffy flying at him. I love it.

I like the implication from Luffy's pose that he was maybe gonna go into Second Gear before Lucci asked him about his poster. "Oh, you want to get cooked like that, Pigeon Guy?" (Yes, I know Luffy's also done that pose before returning to Fifth Gear in the anime. But I think in this case its more of the Enies Lobby callback. Least, it feels that way to me).

I was worried that the anime might do like the anime sometimes does and make Lucci more of a match, but no, not really. The few hits he does get in clearly have little to no effect, and they are FEW.

I do have a nitpick that there's an added line where Jimbei says "So that's.. The Warrior of Liberation." I mean, unless the anime wants to suggest that in this moment, Jimbei has realized that Luffy is the Nika that Who's-Who told him about, that shouldn't be a term he's applying to Luffy yet.

But that's minor. The animation in this episode was gorgeous, parts of this fight were another example of what I'd say is movie quality animation. So anime team, take your break weeks filled by recaps if it keeps giving us beautiful episodes like this.

Edited by diddyknux on Apr 12th 2024 at 5:17:51 AM

Moth13 Since: Sep, 2010
#106782: Apr 12th 2024 at 7:00:22 AM

Pffffffft. Kaido going "mommy" in the English dub is incredible.

diddyknux (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#106783: Apr 12th 2024 at 7:15:37 AM

You aren't the one who spoiled that for me, but it was spoiled for me, and I wish it hadn't been. I'd have lost it. [lol]

Blueace Surrounded by weirdoes from The End Of the World Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: Chocolate!
Surrounded by weirdoes
#106784: Apr 12th 2024 at 7:49:46 AM

So, when does the break end?

Wake me up at your own risk.
TheWrongOne41 A nice swimmer from Somewhere, Mexico Since: May, 2022 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
A nice swimmer
#106785: Apr 12th 2024 at 7:50:31 AM

Next week new chapter will be up.

Due to unfortunate events, i will continue to exist until further notice.
PushoverMediaCritic I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out. from the Italy of America (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out.
#106786: Apr 12th 2024 at 10:50:03 PM

And before it does, here's the current version of my ridiculous tier list:

     Tier List 

Characters in the same tier are not ordered by strength, just by when they were last relevant. First are the Straw Hats bolded, then other characters. Past characters are italicized.

  • S+: Bajrang Gun Luffy, Flame Dragon Torch Kaido, Roger, Prime Whitebeard, Prime Garp, Prime Sengoku
  • S: Gear 5 Luffy, Sakazuki, Garp, Blackbeard, Shanks, Mihawk, Drunken Dragon Bagua Kaido, Bigger Mom, Prime Rayleigh, Zunesha, Sengoku, King Punch Elizabello, Whitebeard, Young Shanks
  • S-: Gear 4 Luffy, Ifrit Jambe Sanji, Kizaru, Kuzan, Sabo, Awakened Law, Awakened Kid, Ryokugyu, Kaido, Big Mom, Oden, Gaban, Fujitora, Sea Kings, Rayleigh, Pre-TS Akainu
  • A+: Gear 2+3 Luffy, King of Hell/Asura Zoro, Germa+Diable Jambe Sanji, Jimbei underwater, Yamato, Ryuo Gear 4 Luffy, Jaygarcia Saturn, Shepard Ju Peter, Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro, Topman Warcury, Marcus Mars, Awakened Lucci, Shiryu, Burgess, Weevil, Marco, King, Hybrid Queen, Unstoppable Donuts Katakuri, Giant Smoothie, Colosseum Sabo, Pre-TS Blackbeard, Pre-TS Jozu
  • A: Gear 2/3 Luffy, Enma Zoro, Germa Sanji, Jimbei on land, Ryuo Gear 2+3 Luffy, Post-TS Gear 4 Luffy, Prime Don Chinjao, Kuma, Ivankov, Lucci, Vegaforce 1, Awakened Kaku, Law, Kid, Hancock, Queen, Sulong Dogstorm, Sulong Catviper, Jack, Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker, Tsuru, Dressrosa Burgess, Vista, Warlord Blackbeard, Ace
  • A-: Luffy, Zoro, Diable Jambe Sanji, Demonio Fleur Robin, Ryuo Gear 2/3 Luffy, Raid Suit Sanji, Post-TS Gear 2+3 Luffy, Dorry, Broggy, Distorted Future Bonney, Sentomaru, Lindbergh, Karasu, Morley, Belo Betty, Stussy, Kaku, S-Bear, S-Hawk, S-Shark, S-Snake, Denjiro, Guernica, Izo, Maha, Killer, Dogstorm, Catviper, Perospero, Who's Who, Ashura Doji, Big Father Bege, Biscuit Soldier Cracker, Doflamingo, Fisher Tiger, Rakuyo, Little Oars Jr, Venom Demon Magellan, Shadows Asgard Moria, Raigo Enel, Island Eater
  • B+: Zeus Nami, Sanji, Monster Point Chopper, Gigante Fleur Robin, General Franky, Don Sai, Ryuo Luffy, Colosseum Don Chinjao, Post-TS Gear 2/3 Luffy, Post-TS Zoro, Post-TS Diable Jambe Sanji, Young Jimbei, Pre-TS Gear 2+3 Luffy, Nightmare Luffy, Bonney, Mark 3 Pacifista, Koby, Giant Sulong Bepo, Apoo, Drake, Hawkins, Black Maria, Sasaki, Ulti, Page One, Prime Crocus, Snack, Oven, Daifuku, Urouge, Kyros, Trebol, Pica, Diamante, Shinokuni Caesar, Vergo, Smoker, Post-TS Law, Atmos, Blamenco, Pre-TS Sentomaru, Pre-TS Shiryu, Magellan, Amaru Enel, Laboon
  • B: Robin, Franky, Brook, Kin'emon, Hakuba, Post-TS Luffy, Post-TS Sanji, Post-TS Monster Point Chopper, Pre-TS Gear 2/3 Luffy, Pre-TS Asura Zoro, Atlas, Pre-TS Distorted Future Bonney, Pomsky, Prince Grus, Kujaku, Kiku, Raizo, Kawamatsu, Rokki, Kanjuro, Fukurokuju, Inbi, Fuga, Zanki, Kunyun, Prime Hyogoro, Hatcha, Sulong Shishilian, Sulong Concelot, Sulong Giovanni, Sulong Blackback, Sulong Roddy, Nangi, Goki, Juki, Jaki, Young Denjiro, Young Ashura Doji, Young Catviper, Young Dogstorm, Young Izo, Karma, Aladdin, Combined Newshi, Judge, Sparking Red Ichiji, Electric Blue Niji, Winch Green Yonji, Poison Pink Reiju, Bege, Sulong Pekoms, Amande, Streusen, Count Niwatori, Opera, Battle Insurance Fist Lao G, Corazon, Bastille, Caesar Clown, Monet, Overdose 2 Hody, Pre-TS Law, Curiel, Momonga, Marineford Shadows Moria, Pacifista, Pre-TS Apoo, Pre-TS Drake, Pre-TS Hawkins, Pre-TS Karmic Retribution Urouge, Pre-TS Kid, Oars, Pre-TS Lucci, Enel, Noland, Kalgara
  • B-: Usopp, Chopper, Cavendish, Bartolomeo, Chinjao, Baby 5, Hajrudin, Ideo, Post-TS Robin, Post-TS Franky, Post-TS Brook, Colosseum Sai, Pre-TS Luffy, Pre-TS Zoro, Pre-TS Diable Jambe Sanji, Pre-TS Monster Chopper, Tosa, Helmeppo, Hibari, Hack, Bepo, Jean Bart, Ushimaru, Omusubi, Tempura, Sulong Carrot, Sulong Wanda, Shishilian, Concelot, Giovanni, Blackback, Roddy, Onimaru, Babanuki, Holdem, Brulee, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, Reiju, Pekoms, Pedro, Montd'Or, Kingbaum, Nusstorte, Viscount Hiyoko, Counter, Cadenza, Galette, Sheepshead, Bellamy, Senor Pink, Gladius, Dellinger, Lao G, Machvise, Buffalo, Tashigi, Small Dragon, Rock, Scotch, Big Dragon, Overdose Hody, Overdose Hyouzou, Steroid Wadatsumi, Surume, Pre-TS Smoker, Inazuma, Hannyabal, Sadie, Sandersonia, Marigold, Pre-TS Urouge, Pre-TS Killer, Pre-TS Bege, Pre-TS Bonney, Pre-TS Moria, Zombie Ryuma, Pre-TS Kaku, Jabra, Saul, Tom, Nola, Kashigami, Pre-TS Crocodile
  • C+: Leo, Orlumbus, Blue Gilly, Post-TS Nami, Post-TS Usopp, Post-TS Chopper, Pre-TS Sanji, Pre-TS Robin, Pre-TS Franky, Pre-TS Brook, Skypiea Zoro, Drum Island Luffy, Sea Beast Weapons, Koala, Penguin, Shachi, Heat, Wire, Carrot, Shinobu, Daifugo, Briscola, Poker, Hotei, Wanda, Solitaire, Urashima, Vito, Gotti, Basskarte, Kato, Bobbin, Baron Tamago, Aristocroc, Ginrummy, Viola, Giolla, Sugar, Toy Kyros, Jean Ango, Bobby Funk, Maynard, Brownbeard, Mocha, Steroid Dosun, Steroid Ikaros, Hody, Vander Decken, Hyouzou, Wadatsumi, Heracles-un, Minorhinoceros, Minokoala, Minozebra, Minotaurus, Pre-TS Bepo, Blueno, Foxy, Wyper, Pre-TS Hina, Pre-TS Mr 1, Crocus, Loguetown Smoker
  • C: Suleiman, Gambia, Boo, Abdullah, Jeet, Cub, Bian, Pre-TS Nami, Pre-TS Usopp, Pre-TS Chopper, Living Brook, Pre-TS Low Cola Franky, Alabasta Sanji, Whiskey Peak Zoro, Romance Dawn Luffy, Morgans, Caribou, Speed, Hamlet, Komachiyo, Mizerka, Fourtricks, Hihimaru, Dobon, Newshi, Diesel, Randolph, Queen/King Soldier, Rebecca, Riku Doldo III, Tank Lepanto, Kuween, Moocy, Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, Mamboshi, Steroid Zeo, Steroid Daruma, Dosun, Ikaros, Pre-TS Koby, Army Wolf, Sphinx, Basilisk, Bacura, Duval, Motobaro, Zombie Lola, Cindry, Jigoro, Inuppe, Perona, Kumacy, Absalom, Taralan, Kalifa, Kumadori, Fukuro, Oimo, Kashi, Big Pan, Gan Fall, Ohm, Yama, Kamakiri, Shura, Satori, Pre-TS Bellamy, Ms Doublefinger, Mr 2 Bon Clay, Wapol, Candle Champion Mr 3, Arlong, Krieg
  • C-: Kid Yamato, Wicka, Water Seven Usopp, Alabasta Nami, Drum Island Chopper, Baratie Sanji, Shells Town Zoro, Alpha, Bao Huang, Hyogoro, Madilloman, Alpacaman, Gazelleman, Batman, Peachbeard, Rook/Bishop/Knight Soldier, Mansherry, Kelly Funk, Dagama, Neptune, Zeo, Daruma, Sea Beasts, Ankoro, Coribou, Pre-TS Helmeppo, Pre-TS Tashigi, Blugori, Marguerite, Lola, Hippo Gentleman, Rug Bear, Cerberus, Baskerville, Nero, Ramen's Formal Suit Wanze, Paulie, Zambai, Karakiri Destroyers, Hamburg, Pickles, Capote, Holy, Gedatsu, Braham, Sarquiss, Cricket, Pell, Chaka, Mr 4, Ms Merry Christmas, Bananagator, Dalton, Chessmarimo, Mr 3, Momoo, Zeff, Kuro, Pre-TS Buggy, Lord of the Coast
  • D+: Vivi, Alabasta Usopp, Kid Chopper, Orochi, Pudding, Pound, Pawn Soldier, Kid Reiju, Shirahoshi, Hammond, Bluejam, Pre-TS Fullbody, Pre-TS Django, Pre-TS Saldeath, Domino, Jurors, Wanze, T-Bone, Yokozuna, Kiwi, Mozu, Lulu, Tilestone, Porche, Raki, Genbo, Hotori, Kotori, Masira, Shoujou, Kuromarimo, Chess, Mr 5, Ms Valentine, Loguetown Tashigi, Pre-TS Alvida, Hatchi, Kuroobi, Gin
  • D: Karoo, Little Garden Usopp, Whiskey Peak Vivi, York, Kid Ichiji, Kid Niji, Kid Yonji, Demaro Black, Macro, Gyaro, Tansui, Dadan, Kid Ace, Kid Sabo, Porchemy, Jerry, McKinley, Mr 7, Ms Father's Day, Igaram, Kung-Fu Dugong, Kureha, Hiriluk, Lapin, Mr 13, Ms Friday, Ms Monday, Mr 9, Choo, Bellemere, Pearl, Baratie Fullbody, Syrup Village Django, Hypnotized Butchie, Richie, Kuina, Morgan, Pre-DF Alvida, Higuma
  • D-: Kid Luffy, Kid Zoro, Young Franky, Syrup Village Usopp, Orange Town Nami, Vegapunk, Mjosgard, Kid Law, Kokoro, Heavenly Warriors, Shandian Guerrillas, Ms Goldenweek, Johnny, Yosaku, Patty, Carne, Butchie, Sham, Cabaji, Mohji
  • E+: Kid Momonosuke, Lilith, Hiyori, Hogback, Iceberg, Chimney, White Berets, Pre-TS Cobra, Koza, Genzo, Mayor Boodle, Chou-Chou
  • E: Kid Sanji, Kid Robin, Kid Franky, Shaka, Pythagoras, Tama, O-Tsuru, Camie, Charlos, Spandam, Spandine, Pagaya, Conis, Nojiko, Merry, Shells Town Helmeppo, Romance Dawn Koby, Makino
  • E-: Kid Vivi, Kid Nami, Kid Usopp, Edison, Post-TS Cobra, Toko, Otohime, Aisa, Kid Koza, Kid Nojiko, Kaya, Banchina, Carrot, Onion, Pepper

Predictions (EOS means End-Of-Series):

  • S+: EOS Luffy, EOS Blackbeard, Xebec, Joy Boy
  • S: EOS Zoro, EOS Sanji, EOS Shiryu, EOS Burgess, Kong, Dragon, Prime Oars
  • S-: EOS Jimbei, EOS Yamato, EOS Momonosuke, King of Hell Asura Zoro, Vasco Shot, Imu, Garling, Prime Tsuru, Prime Ryuma
  • A+: EOS Franky, EOS Robin, EOS Brook, EOS Don Sai, Sanjuan Wolf, Catarina Devon, Lafitte, Benn Beckman, Lucky Roux
  • A: EOS Nami, EOS Usopp, EOS Chopper, EOS Cavendish, EOS Bartolomeo, Van Auger, Doc Q and Stronger, Avalo Pizarro, Yasopp, Prime Neptune, Prime Moria
  • A-: EOS Hajrudin, EOS Ideo, EOS Leo, Moria, Crocodile, Momousagi, Chaton, Kurouma
  • B+: EOS Orlumbus, Mr 1, Bogard
  • B: Sulong Bepo
  • B-: Jiron, Ahiru, Ushiano, Gambo
  • C+: Gerd, Stansen, Road, Goldberg, Yorki, Prime Clover, Prime Zeff
  • C: Buggy, Nico Olvia

If you want to take on the ridiculous task of reading this stupid thing, Control+F (Find in page) is your friend.

diddyknux (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#106787: Apr 13th 2024 at 1:36:18 AM

Seeing Awakened Lucci in the anime, I wonder if people will chill out on the whole "Zoro shouldn't have this much trouble with Lucci" thing? Of course, I know a lot of manga readers won't even give the anime the time of day. But, I do think this episode did a good job of portraying "Its not that Lucci isn't strong. Obviously he is. He just has the misfortune of fighting a Luffy whose at his peak and has just come off fighting the guy LITERALLY called "King of the Beasts", who threw practically everything a Zoan type CAN throw at him."

All this to say, I absolutely buy the possibility that Lucci is at least as strong as King. If not stronger, not having the benefit of the Puzzle Boss aspect King does. And that fighting Zoro is within his skill/strength level.

Edited by diddyknux on Apr 13th 2024 at 3:38:53 AM

PushoverMediaCritic I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out. from the Italy of America (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out.
#106788: Apr 13th 2024 at 2:23:35 AM

The last chapter re-contextualized a lot of the Zoro vs Lucci fight. Basically, the entire time while fighting Zoro, Lucci was wiretapping and listening in on the conversations everyone else was having, and he was deliberately dragging out the fight to keep Zoro there so the Straw Hats couldn't escape Kizaru and the Elders without abandoning him.

Lucci's goal in the fight was never to kill Zoro, while Zoro's goal, as we saw with him using King of Hell right from the start, was to beat Lucci ASAP. Lucci's stall strategy actually worked even better than expected because it tired Zoro out, since King of Hell uses so much Haki that maintaining it for too long is life-threatening. Lucci may be an assassin, but here, he was playing the role of spy.

PushoverMediaCritic I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out. from the Italy of America (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out.
#106789: Apr 14th 2024 at 10:31:42 PM

Every instance of "Medicine for curing stupidity/losers":

diddyknux (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#106790: Apr 15th 2024 at 11:22:05 AM

Oh hey, One Piece Odyssey is coming to Nintendo Switch. Honestly wasn't sure why it didn't in the first place, it didn't look that intensive from what I saw of it.

And with exclusive... Well, they call it "City of Water" costume set, but Sanji and Usopp are the only one that's actually from Water 7. The rest are Enies Lobby outfits. (Except for Robin, who already had hers available in an outfit pack from the other console's release. That outfit pack is also included)

Edited by diddyknux on Apr 15th 2024 at 1:22:54 PM

MightyMatilda Mr. Clueless from New Jersey, USA Since: Jan, 2015
Mr. Clueless
#106791: Apr 15th 2024 at 11:24:23 AM

[up][up]It's good to know that Chopper has a human-like lifespan.

De Romanīs, lingua Latina gloriosa non fuī.
HamburgerTime The Merry Monarch of Darkness from Dark World, where we do sincerely have cookies Since: Apr, 2010 Relationship Status: I know
The Merry Monarch of Darkness
#106792: Apr 15th 2024 at 11:27:54 AM

So Bad End Chopper is like, a cult leader?

The pig of Hufflepuff pulsed like a large bullfrog. Dumbledore smiled at it, and placed his hand on its head: "You are Hagrid now."
Blueace Surrounded by weirdoes from The End Of the World Since: Dec, 2010 Relationship Status: Chocolate!
Surrounded by weirdoes
#106793: Apr 15th 2024 at 11:28:50 AM

Part of one, at least.

Wake me up at your own risk.
M84 Oh, bother. from Our little blue planet Since: Jun, 2010 Relationship Status: Chocolate!
Oh, bother.
#106794: Apr 15th 2024 at 7:45:54 PM

Bad End Chopper's appearance also leans more towards his animal side. Also note the "Poison" shirt. Bad End Chopper has gone from healing people with medicine to hurting people with poison.

Disgusted, but not surprised
PushoverMediaCritic I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out. from the Italy of America (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out.
#106795: Apr 15th 2024 at 8:05:15 PM

Bad End Chopper reminds me of Caesar Clown. Funnily enough, Chopper, Franky, and Sanji are the only "Bad End" Straw Hats who are outright supervillains.

diddyknux (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)
#106796: Apr 16th 2024 at 1:36:42 AM

Catching up on the english dub episodes on Crunchyroll streaming before the big Gear 5 debut batch drops. I'm so glad Justin Briner finally got to have a major named roll, he's had bit parts several times in the past, but he's so fun as adult Momonosuke. And I'm endlessly amused by the fact that Luffy's actress, who elsewhere plays a Momo, is here bullying a Momo. [lol]

Goddamn, some people don't appreciate how good Colleen Clinkenbeard is at screaming. Luffy and Yamato's combo attack against Kaido is STILL one of the hypest moments of the entire fight for me. Actual combo attacks with characters are kind of rare (even if it was kind of an accident, they just happened to launch their attacks at the same time). I still want a Luffy and Robin Third Gear + Mille Fleur combo attack. Or even better now, Fifth Gear + Demonio.

PushoverMediaCritic I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out. from the Italy of America (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
I'm sorry Tien, but I must go all out.
#106797: Apr 16th 2024 at 1:52:09 AM

Fun fact: because Bonney and Kid's Devil Fruits were named recently, there's only one unnamed Devil Fruit in the series: Lafitte's. Lafitte is also the only Titanic Captain whose Devil Fruit is unnamed, we know the Devil Fruits of every significant member of Blackbeard's crew except for him. His was also the only Devil Fruit was saw used pre-timeskip (except for Wolf, but his size wasn't even known to be caused by a Devil Fruit until recently).

Wait, nevermind we also don't know Urouge's Devil Fruit (if the thing where he grows big and buff is actually a Devil Fruit).

Also Onigumo and Dalmation, but their Devil Fruits seem obvious.

Edited by PushoverMediaCritic on Apr 16th 2024 at 2:00:14 AM

fishysaur Good for nothing Since: May, 2018
Good for nothing
#106798: Apr 16th 2024 at 11:03:58 AM

[up]We also don't know some Devil fruits of some Whitebeard Pirates or members of the fleet, like Blamenco who has a literal Hammerspace in his chin, Rakuyo's living mace (if it's the effect of a devil fruit) or Epoida's ability to turn into a caterpillar

Correction, I just checked and Blamenco's devil fruit was revealed

Edited by fishysaur on Apr 16th 2024 at 8:05:27 PM

There isn't an impossible dream, there are only people who give up
AegisP Since: Oct, 2014 Relationship Status: And they all lived happily ever after <3
#106799: Apr 16th 2024 at 11:11:29 AM

[up] Seeing you here makes me smile. Molto bene.

I was wondering guys, what is your favorite flashback in One Piece?

Mine are the Hiruluk flashback which just about beats any other flashback ever so it wont be ranked, it has its own place.

Kuma's is definitely the best one ever after that, followed by Law's, and while I know it is a hell of his own making, Señor Pink's. Rebecca's touched me because her mom tried to get her food and I was hungry at the moment, I felt guilty for what she went through.

Discord: Waido X 255#1372 If you cant contact me on TV Tropes do it here.
fishysaur Good for nothing Since: May, 2018
Good for nothing
#106800: Apr 16th 2024 at 11:30:03 AM


Mine is Hiruluk's along with Oden's, Otohime and Tiger's and Noland and Calgara's

Kuma's is also a close fifth, I guess

There isn't an impossible dream, there are only people who give up

Total posts: 107,012