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YMMV / Wizards of the Demon Sword

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  • Complete Monster: Lord Khoura is a sorcerer who seeks the Blade of Aktar so that he can plunge the world into darkness. To do this, he kidnaps the Blade's keeper and takes the Blade. In his attempts to figure out how to access the power, he sacrifices at least three virgins. He has Melina, the keeper's daughter, kidnapped in order to force one of them to reveal the secret, and sends her to his torture wall when they refuse so that the keeper can hear his daughter's screams. At the torture wall, Khoura makes Melina watch him burn another woman with a hot knife, and threatens to do unbelievable torture to her should she refuse. When the heroes invade his castle to rescue his captives, Khoura manages to slay Damon before going down.
